News › Religion       13.12.2018

Judas Iscariot...The Most Damned And The Biggest Sinner

With Christmas day fast approaching, it might now be appropriate to utilise, as bitter medicine, the bitter knowledge of the fall of former apostle, Judas Iscariot, in order to spur us, to propel us to an ever greater exaltation of the birth, in His Humanity, of Jesus Christ, our beloved Lord and Saviour: Perfect, Infinite, Almighty. And it cost Jesus heaps and heaps to save us: to be mercilessly humiliated, rough-handled, beaten, spat at, lashed countless times, and more.

Then He was forced to carry His cross, amid the filth and stones thrown at Him, walking wearily on a hot day through the streets of Jerusalem to Golgotha. He was then nailed with three big nails onto that cross, undergoing additional extreme unbearable pains and sufferings, and additionally compounded by the onslaught of tetanus sufferings as a result of all the pain. And some people often have the gall, the arrogant temerity to ask: 'Where is the God of love?' Maybe instead they should look in the mirror and ask themselves: 'Where is my love of God?' Loving God, as saint John tells us, is in obeying His Commandments.

Jesus, as you would know, was conceived and born through the power of the Holy Spirit and Most Holy Virgin Mary, perpetual ever Virgin. Jesus was born, as prophesised in the Scriptures, in Bethlehem, then a Jewish town in Judah. It was on '... the night of the twenty fifth of Chislev [Jewish month], Feast of the Lights..." It was a bitterly cold winter's night. Jesus is Light... of the world. Jesus did not cease being God while He was also being formed, as a Baby, as a Man, in the womb of His Mother, Virgin Mary, who was then about 15-16 years old. With Her prayers, She had brought forward the coming of the Messiah, but not knowing, till the Annunciation, that He was Her Son.

Mary always looked young, wholesome, and exceptionally beautiful; and She always remained the Father's Masterpiece of Beauty. There's nothing in the universe, Jesus tells us, that can match the Beauty of His Mother. The words of the Song of the angels, that they sang on Christmas night to herald the birth of newborn Baby Jesus, on the 25th of Chislev, were: "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will." [= from the Latin Vulgate: 'Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis.' {Luke 2.14}] "Good will is the desire for Good and Truth," Jesus Christ has said. Devils, and all those without 'good will,' of course hate Christmas, as well as Easter, with utmost intensity. Judas Iscariot lacked good will.

The full extent of this fault of his, can only be known to God. But there were certain towns that he, Judas, would not go to, for fear of getting a belting there - according to his own mother, Mary of Simon - a holy woman. Before we continue on discussing Judas, let's firstly debunk some junk - the junk of the so-called 'Gospel of Judas' junk: it's all just classical fanciful fake news, fabrication perfection at the very finest. There's a thriving market in the Middle East, I've once read, for fake ancient artefacts. Judas didn't have time for writing, not only because he died very young by suiciding, but also because he was much too busy scheming how best he could go about satisfying his insatiable carnal lust, being promiscuous.

When Jesus once confronted Judas about his sexual escapades, Judas justified his sinning, that can never be justified, thus: "... And with regard to that night [when he was caught being lustful, seemingly having stayed over-night with a prostitute]... I am a young man, Lord! But apart from those moments, when, I admit it, I may have made a mistake, nay, I certainly did no wrong, I am always close to you." [See below to read further about those who sin despite being, se-called, 'close to God.'] Judas originally asked Jesus to be His disciple after he had witnessed a miracle being worked by Him. But he joined up for the wrong reasons.

He thought that Jesus was going to set up some sort of administration or world superpower. And so he, Judas, dearly wanted to become a minister in that 'government' as perceived erroneously by him; and he openly admitted to Jesus: "Because I dream of the kingdom of Israel and I see You as a king." But Jesus many times told Judas that His Kingdom was not an earthly kingdom. Judas didn't want to hear or believe that. He obviously thought he knew better. Judas' earthly aspirations, as stated by him, were the following: "I already see the future [= fantasising].

Processions!... Singers!... People prostrated!... Homage by other countries!... Oh! It's time! Camels will really come from Median and crowds from everywhere... and there will be a multitude... not just the three poor Wise Men [correction: the three kings or wise men from the East who paid homage to Toddler Jesus - as God, as King, and as Man - in Bethlehem, were fabulously rich]... Israel as great as Rome... Greater than Rome... The glory of the Maccabees, of Solomon... all glories will be exceeded... He... the King of kings [correct]... and we... His friends... Oh! Most High God! Who will give me strength for that hour?... I wish my father were still alive!..." [Can all the past mighty ants of the earth, now all ordinary dust in the ground, be counted, since Judas' time and before him, who have wanted to create another "Rome" - i.e. another Roman empire or greater??] I don't think that it would be pertinent to go over, in detail, and discuss the litany of Judas' short lifetime's wrongdoings, errors, faults, or other. Instead, I'd like to focus on some pertinent issues that surround his last few days or so on earth.

Judas Iscariot was an only child. He was spoilt by his father, something that Judas' mother, Mary of Simon, a holy woman, lamented. She was a widow at the time of Jesus' evangelisation. Judas was tall, dark, and handsome. Rather than help his mother manage their farm/estate, he played the field anywhere he could. Judas was also known as Judas of Simon (Simon: his father), and Judas of Kerioth (Kerioth: the town where he was born or nearby). More often than not, Judas was at odds, not only with Jesus, to whom from time to time in effect he, Judas, wanted to be the master to his Master, but also with the rest of the apostles.

Judas even went so far as to suggest to Jesus that He tone down His preaching, to water it down, and not upset the scribes and pharisees, some of whom were his, Judas', friends. Jesus refused. Some of Christ's ministers, today, do in fact water down the Gospel, thereby falsifying it. So: as traitor Judas had wanted Jesus to do, so those ministers do what Jesus refused to do, and so do what traitor Judas had wanted Jesus to do, thereby becoming traitors of Jesus as Judas used to be, by falsifying the Gospel. Traitors!! Some of those traitors, though acutely cunning, can sometimes be identified by their mastery of glib euphemisms and other nice platitudes!! Most of the apostles, and others, grumbled about Judas. Mary Magdalene once referred to him the "abomination alongside Perfection [Jesus]." One day, while on a journey of evangelisation, on foot, Jesus took some of His apostles, who were with Him, to task [seemingly only 9 of them], and said to them [Judas was absent]: "...

Do you not know that you learn more through Judas of Kerioth than through any other person? You will find many Judases and very few Jesus in your apostolic ministry. The Jesus [i.e. the Jesus-type persons that they will come across in their evangelisation] will be kind, good, pure, faithful, obedient, prudent, free from greed. They will be very few... But how many Judases of Kerioth you, your followers and your successors will find along the ways of the world! And in order to be [religious] masters and to know, you must attend this school [of studying Judas]... With his faults he shows you what man is; I show you what man should be.

Two examples equally necessary. By knowing both well, you must try to change the former into the latter... And let My patience [in evangelisation, in attempting to convert people such as Judas] be your rule." Initially, all 12 apostles chosen by Jesus, were just 'raw material' - as the Holy Spirit has said of them. But, as time went by, they all got better and better, except that Judas' sanctification regressed and regressed, whereas the rest of the apostles' ascended, and ascended, higher and higher, and eventually to holy Christian martyrdom and glorification like Jesus their Master and God, Son of God. Jesus states the contrast as follows:

"The Apostles and Judas. Here are two opposite examples. The former were imperfect, rough, ignorant, violent, but with good will. Judas, learned more than most of them, refined by living in the capital [Jerusalem] and in the [Jewish] Temple, but of evil will. Watch the evolution of the former [the Apostles] in Good, their ascent. Watch the evolution of the latter [Judas Iscariot] in Evil, and his descent." "---" "Good will is the desire for Good and Truth." [as already stated above] On another day while on a journey of evangelisation, on foot, while temporarily alone with Judas, in exasperation and seemingly weeping, Jesus said to him:

"Judas, My Judas! Shall I ask My Father to let Me suffer My dreadful Passion three times, so that two of them may be offered to save you alone? Tell Me My friend, and I will do that. I will ask Him to multiply My suffering infinitely for that purpose. I love you Judas, I love you so much. And I would like to give you Myself, to make you Myself, to save you from yourself..." [Today, Jesus lovingly gives Himself to us under the appearance of a piece of bread: the Eucharist - His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity - and via the Consecrated Wine, the Blood of Christ. But Jesus warns us, tells us, that: "... angelic purity is required of my priests. Woe to the profaners who, with their bodies sullied by carnal union [sex], touch the Body of God [= the Eucharist]."

This dire warning obviously rules out sex-active persons touching or handling the Eucharist, such as married priests, married Eucharistic ministers, and any others active in sex. Jesus said... Woe!! Such touching is obviously sacrilegious.] "[Judas did not ask Jesus to have two of His Passions. Instead, Judas responded snakily, thus:] Do not weep, do not say that, Master. I love You, too. I also would give myself to see You strong, respected, feared, triumphant. I may not love You perfectly. I may not think perfectly. But I use and perhaps I misuse my whole being...[errors, errors, excuses, excuses unceasing]." [Judas well knew that he was a relentless sinner, addicted to sinning, a demon, in the service of Satan his true master, but freely chose not to stop sinning because he enjoyed all the putative pleasures that sinning gave him.

Judas once asked Jesus to force him to be good. Jesus refused to work such a miracle especially for him alone, to 'tie him to the Good.' Every man, commencing from primogenitors Adam and Eve, has been given a free will, and God does not do violence to that free will. Jesus respects the free will of a man who wants to go to Hell.] One of the main obstacle to Judas' sanctification, was that he was on both sides of the fence. On one side, he was an apostle of, in the good company of, Jesus Christ. And, on the other side, he was also a friend of, in the bad, bad company of, scribes, pharisees, and others who belonged to the Sanhedrin or to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, that were hostile and antagonistic towards Jesus.

In essence, Judas had 'bad company' pals he enjoyed being with, and sometimes cavorted with them - wicked friends who were hardened enemies of Jesus Christ; and eventually, it came to pass that Judas ended up spying on Jesus for them... for money obviously. "Every spy is already a devil," Jesus has said. And bad company eventually leads to bad outcomes. At one time, Judas had abandoned the apostolic group and simply went away, seemingly without saying anything to anyone, and living seemingly as the 'prodigal son' of the Gospel had lived. [Luke 15.11-32] Some time later, he returned back to the apostolic group after the absence of a certain period of time, either just before or during Jesus' sermon about the 'prodigal son.'

Of course Jesus, Infinite Mercy, welcomed him back, as did His Mother who was then present and who soothed the seeming anger of the other 11 apostles present. Judas being with Jesus, meant living was austere; and Judas being with his Temple friends, meant living the putative pleasures of the day. It was a very heavy burden, most times, for Judas having to feign being good whenever he was with Jesus. Judas finally unshackled himself from this heavy burden of feigning being good, when he finally went to the Sanhedrin and agreed to sell the 'Lamb of God:' Jesus, for a price; for the price, after some haggling, of 30 pieces of silver.

Judas had wanted more money, for sure, but some members of the Sanhedrin were somewhat uneasy about that, as they wanted to comply strictly with the Scriptures - ha, ha, ha, laughing about it - and so they offered Judas no more money. Little did Judas know, though, that the Sanhedrin also had secret plans to murder him as well, after they had murdered Jesus. Jesus once told Judas: "... you [Judas] are the one whom I loved more than anybody else, and receiving from you less love than all the others have given Me." At one of the schools I once went to, we then had a severe headmaster who didn't take too well being mucked about with, or being beguiled, by any student, under pain of punishment. At an assembly of the whole school on one occasion, he said the following to the whole school assembled before him: "I don't want you to tell me who you are.

Just tell me who your friends are, and then I will tell you who you are." The same could likewise have been said about Judas. About 1-2 weeks or so before Jesus was to set forth for Jerusalem and thence later to Golgotha and Crucifixion, He attempted once again to save Judas, now an unmitigated demon, by attempting to dissuade him from going with Him to Jerusalem and thence he going secretly to the Sanhedrin there... to his bad company pals. Jesus, instead, suggested that he go and stay with some disciples of His in the town of Bozrah or elsewhere where there were some disciples of His who would gladly have given him hospitality. Jesus said to Judas: "... You. And you know why I am saying this [Judas was going to betray Jesus].

If you listen to Me and go to Bozrah, I will send word to your mother and have her brought to you, as being so good, she [with her holiness] may help you to recover [from being a demon]. [N.B.: Jesus said 'may,' not 'will.'] "Believe Me, we are the only ones to love you thus, without limit. There are three who love you in Heaven: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Who have contemplated you and Who are awaiting your decision [whether or not to go to Jerusalem] to make you the jewel of Redemption, the greatest prey snatched from the Abyss; and three on the Earth: your mother, My Mother, and I.

Make us happy, Judas! Both us in Heaven and us on the Earth, who love you with true love." [Judas refused to go to Bozrah or anywhere else, and so instead decided to go to Jerusalem on his own, telling Jesus explicitly that he preferred the company of his friends in the Temple over His own company. Jesus had no other choice but to accept that exercise of free will by Judas.] What is hugely perplexing, at least to me, is that Jesus once did severe penance for Judas Iscariot and He even asked His other 11 apostles to pray for him, but, further perplexingly, always knowing as God what Judas' final ending was to be.

Maybe Jesus wanted to demonstrate to the Father that He, Jesus, had done all things possible in order to bring Judas to justice [to holiness]. In exasperation one day, Jesus exclaimed to His Father, God the Father, about Judas, thus: "Oh! What shall I do, Father, to cleanse the profaned temple of this son of Yours and My brother?" Of course, Jesus is the Son of the Father by His Love; and men are His sons by His power. We all have the same one Father, and Jesus is also our Brother, quite apart from Him being our Lord God.

All men descend from primogenitors Adam and Eve, and so does Jesus in His Humanity, but not in His Divinity that was begotten from eternity from the Father. The downward slide of Judas eventually finally ended with his actual betrayal of Jesus; with Judas' dreadful satanic delirium [not discussed in detail herein] almost immediately after his infamous betrayal with a kiss on Jesus' Face; and with Judas' suicide by hanging himself. At Gethsemane on Good Thursday evening, Judas had approached Jesus "... with the smile of a hyena." [Some of these smiling hyenas are even in the church I usually go to.] On Good Friday, before his suicide, Judas was presented with a number of direct and indirect opportunities to feel remorse, to engender repentance, including one opportunity when he was lovingly urged to do so by Jesus' own sorrowful Mother, Most Holy Virgin Mary; and She did so in a voice so imploringly, that it should have converted even the most hardened demon. Instead, Judas ran away... to hang himself. This opportunity occurred during the period of Judas' satanic delirium, while he relentlessly went about, just about everywhere, during which he chanced to come across Virgin Mary, who was then, together with saint John, on Her way to the "Way of the Cross." Judas saw most sorrowful Virgin Mary, and he stopped momentarily near Her, perhaps stunned. Maria Valtorta narrates the vision: "[Maria Valtorta:] Judas is about to run away. [Virgin] Mary calls him with a voice that should have converted a demon. "[Virgin Mary implores Judas:] 'Judas! Judas! Stop! Stop! Listen! I am telling you in His [Jesus] Name: repent, Judas.

He [Jesus] forgives...' "[Maria Valtorta:] Judas has run away." [To hang himself.] Soon after leaving Jesus' sepulchre on Good Friday, Virgin Mary immediately began the task of gathering back together Her Son's Church. The first thing She did, gathering in all Her strength, was to ask saint John to look for Judas Iscariot and to bring him back to Her. On Good Saturday, some of Jesus' disciples began to trickle in to the Church, by visiting Virgin Mary. And saint John eventually found Judas, hanging at the end of a rope and dead, thus, he says: "... hanging from an olive tree, all swollen and black, as if he [Judas] had been dead for weeks. Rotten. Horrible...

Above him vultures, crows, I do not know what, are [were] shrieking fighting furiously." Jesus tells us: "Woe to him [i.e. Judas Iscariot - I have long conjectured that 'woe' might mean that a man goes to Hell] for being the traitor! But a traitor was necessary. Deceitful, shrewd, greedy, lustful, dishonest, more intelligent and cultured than the masses, he had been able to impose himself on everybody. Daring as he was, he smoothed the way for Me, also when the way was a difficult one. He was above all fond of standing out and showing his position of trust near Me.

He was not obliging out of instinctive charity, but only because he was one of those whom you would call a 'hustler.' That enabled him also to look after the purse [the money] and approach women. Two things which he loved without restraint, together with a third one: position amongst men." "---" "[But Jesus reveals His sorrow:] Judas has been and is the deepest sorrow in the sea of My sorrows. It is the sorrow that remains. The other sorrows have come to an end with the Sacrifice [with the end of His murder by Crucifixion]. "---" "Nothing in creation," Jesus once told Judas, "is useless or entirely harmful. Evil only is clearly and solely noxious and woe to those who allow it to bite them. One of the effects of its bite is the inability to tell Good from Evil, then there is the deviation of reason and of conscience led astray towards evil things, and then spiritual blindness, because of which, Judas of Simon [Judas Iscariot], one does not see the power of God shine on things, even when they are tiny." [As a corollary, atheists seem to have bitten on 'evil, so are unable to see the existence of God.'] Now, let's imagine: what if Judas, instead of hanging himself, had truly repented?

This question is addressed below by angel saint Azariah. Pursuant to the dictations given to holy mystic, Maria Valtorta, by her guardian angel, saint Azariah: Angel saint Azariah explains what would have happened had Judas Iscariot repented and sought forgiveness from Jesus Crucified, thus: "Our Most Holy Lord Jesus, though equal to the Father, did not experience a change of heart towards the apostles. While He [Jesus] knew full well who Judas [Iscariot, the traitor], the inconstant one par excellence, was, Jesus never changed. Until the final hours He treated Judas [Iscariot] as an apostle and friend. At the [Last] Supper He purified him along with the others [the other 11 apostles] and communicated Himself to him as He did to the others, and in [the garden of] Gethsemane He continued to greet him as 'Friend.' [Judas was the one whom Jesus loved the most of all the apostles.]

"And let us imagine, if Judas, instead of hanging himself, had run to the foot of the Cross [of Christ Crucified at Golgotha], the Dying One [Jesus] would have gathered together the strength to say to him still, 'Friend, what have you come for? To receive forgiveness? Here it is - and complete. Go and sin no more. Love Me and bring others to love Me.' And He would have said to Our Mother [Virgin Mary], 'Woman, here are your sons,' joining the innocent one [saint John], to the repentant deicide [Judas, killer of his soul and of God]; nor would the Most Holy Woman [Virgin Mary], the greatest Creature after God, have rejected him [Judas], for She is the Holy One, second only to God in perfection. Judas' weeping at the foot of the Cross would have given the world the super perfect prayer of Jesus to the Father in favour of the sinner [Judas]. But the world did not deserve to receive the exact measure of what merciful love is. And this prayer was not uttered..." [Those men who are in 'love with Satan, do not understand love.'] But Jesus is severe in His Commentary on the suicide of Judas, as also He is with anyone who suicides (which I have dealt with elsewhere).

Jesus, true God and true Man, pursuant to the Gospel that He dictated to holy mystic and 'victim soul,' Maria Valtorta - the "pen of Jesus:" Jesus Christ comments on the suicide of Judas, thus: "I solemnly tell you that, if Hell did not already exist and was not perfect in its torments, it would have been created even more dreadful and eternal for Judas, because of all sinners and damned souls, he is the most damned and the biggest sinner, and throughout eternity there will be no mitigation of his sentence. "--- "Remorse could have also saved him, if he had turned remorse into repentance. But he would not repent and, to the first crime of betrayal, still compatible because of the great mercy that is My loving weakness, he added blasphemy, resistance to the voices of Grace, that still wanted to speak to him through recollections, through terrors, through My Blood and My mantle, through My glances, through the traces of the institution of the Eucharist, through the words of My Mother.

He resisted everything. He wanted to resist. As he had wanted to betray. As he wanted to curse. As he wanted to commit suicide. [All these issues occurred during the period of Judas' dreadful satanic delirium, briefly mentioned above.] "It is one's will that matters in things. Both in good and in evil. When one falls without the will to follow, I forgive. "Judas did not want. You [= Maria Valtorta on seeing - much like a movie - the vision of Judas' dreadful satanic delirium] say that he seemed mad and hydrophobic [= fear of water: I think Judas saw the water not as being water, but as being blood].

He was so through satanic fury. His terror in seeing the dog [that bit him in the face and 'grappled' with Judas], a rare animal particularly in Jerusalem, was a consequence of the fact that, from time immemorial, that form was attributed to Satan to appear to men. In books of magic it is stated that one of the forms preferred by Satan to appear to men is that of a mysterious dog or cat or Billy-goat.

Judas, already a prey to terror brought about by his crime [of betrayal, leading to the murder of Jesus], being convinced that he belonged to Satan because of his crime, saw Satan in that stray animal. "He who is guilty, sees shadows of fear in everything [= paranoia]. It is his conscience that creates them. Then Satan instigates such shadows, which might still bring a heart [= a person] to repent, and turns them [shadows] into horrible ghosts that lead to despair. And despair leads to the last crime: suicide [= a kill of oneself]. What is the use of throwing away the price of the betrayal [i.e. when Judas returned to the Sanhedrin the betrayal moneys: the 30 pieces of silver, then the market price of a lamb during the then Pascal festivities], when such deprivation [of money] is only the fruit of wrath and is not corroborated by a righteous will of repentance?

Only in such case [of repentance] the act of divesting oneself of the fruits of evil deeds becomes meritorious [e.g. as was that of Zaccheus, the publican/tax collector]. But he [Judas] did not do that. A useless sacrifice [i.e. of returning the betrayal moneys as Judas did]. "My Mother, and She was Grace that was speaking and My Treasurer that was granting forgiveness in My name, said to him: 'Repent, Judas. He forgives. ' Oh! I would have forgiven him! If he had only thrown himself at the feet of My Mother saying: 'Mercy,' She, the Merciful Mother, would have picked him up as a wounded man [much like the good Samaritan did - Luke 10.30-37], and on his satanic wounds, through which the Enemy had imbued him with the Crime, She would have shed Her tears that save and She would have brought him to Me, to the foot of the Cross, holding him by the hand, so that Satan might not snatch him and the disciples might not strike him.

She would have brought him so that My Blood might fall first of all on him, the greatest of all sinners. And She would have been the admirable Priestess on Her altar, between Purity [Jesus] and Guilt [Judas], because She is the Mother of virgins and saints, but She is also the Mother of sinners. "But he did not want. Meditate on the power of free will, of which you [men] are the absolute arbiters. Through it you can have Heaven or Hell. Meditate on what persisting in sin means. [It means going to Hell.] "The Crucified [Jesus], He Who is holding His arms stretched out and nailed, to tell you [men] that He loves you [men], and that

He does not want and cannot strike you [men], because He loves you [men], and prefers to deprive Himself of the possibility of embracing you [men], His only sorrow in His being nailed to the cross, rather than have the freedom to punish you [men], Christ Crucified, the object of divine hope for those who repent and want to abandon sin becomes for the unrepentant the object of such horror that makes them curse and be violent against themselves [i.e. they want to suicide].

They become the murderers of their spirits [by damning their souls] and bodies through their persistence in sin. And the sight of the Meek Saviour [Jesus], Who allowed Himself to be sacrificed in the hope of saving them, takes the appearance of a horrifying ghost." Judas Iscariot, Jesus' apostle and friend, whom Jesus loved the most among all His apostles, is currently in the tortures and fires of Hell wherein he'll remain for all endless eternity as 'the most damned and the biggest sinner,' additionally 'belching blood and inhaling blood because he betrayed the Blood of a God.' Of his own free will, Judas refused to feel remorse, he refused to repent, and he refused to ask Jesus for forgiveness, and so thereby he accepted... hell-fire, in Hell - a horrible dreadful destination for a former apostle of Jesus: God. And it's all such a sad, dreadful, eternal outcome for Judas Iscariot - once an apostle and a 'chosen one' who was close to Jesus, close to God, Son of God. But no one, really, even if he may fancy himself being a mighty ant of the earth, has ever been given a dispensation from obeying the 'code of life:' the immutable Ten Commandments, though some men, like Judas, may, from time to time, foolishly or arrogantly think they have.

Moreover, Jesus tells us, in no uncertain terms, an unpalatable truth, namely, that: "Man has committed every crime by having God close to him, but not in his heart; by having the knowledge of the word, but not the obedience to it." Some clerics, some disgusting clerics who have sexually abused children and have thereby abandoned God as Judas did before them, may have fallen into this category; and so they too may have become demons, again as Judas did before them. And maybe their equally disgusting accomplices, if not more so, i.e. all those who covered up for the evils of that minority disgusting clerics, may have become demons as well.

No problem!! Hell is boundless, and so can easily accommodate, with ease, all comers and more. And Jesus also confirms that Judas was close to Him, and tells us that: "... he [Judas] did not have Me-God in his heart. And he is the damned suicide, infinitely guilty as an Israelite and as a disciple, as a suicide and a deicide [= killer of his own soul and of God], in addition to his seven deadly sins [= 7 capital sins] and every other sin of his."

This bitter knowledge of the eternal punishment of Judas, by God Justice, and 'Justice is above Goodness,' can also be viewed as being 'bitter medicine' for all of us, as being God's merciful warning - love - to all those people who persist in sinning and who concurrently think erroneously that they can get away with it without repenting and without asking Jesus for forgiveness. Jesus, Goodness, does not mean weakness.

After the end of his earthly life, a man [his soul] immediately meets Jesus-the-Judge, and He's then not the Jesus-the-meek-Lamb of the Crucifixion. Jesus, though, has instituted the prayer, the "Chaplet of Divine Mercy," in order to enable sinners to access mercy upon their earthly death and immediate Judgement. Again, it's the free will of a man whether or not he wants to recite this prayer. Jesus Christ, our beloved sweet Lord and Saviour, Infinite Mercy, Goodness, continues to be, now and in eternity, true God and true Man. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Mary, Help of Christians, pray for us.

The foregoing is pursuant to the Gospel that Jesus dictated to Maria Valtorta, the Bible, and my analysis. With kind regards. Joseph Costa PS On an occasion in Bethany, Jesus, seemingly in the company of only Lazarus of Bethany, Nicodemus, Joseph of Arimathea, and apostle Simon Zealot, talks to them about Judas' earthly ambitions: Jesus Christ comments, thus: "Saturated as he [Judas] is with the Messianic idea, as most people in Israel entertain it, in which he was confirmed by the first manifestation he had from Me [Judas witnessed a miracle], he sees and wants Christ as king.

An earthly powerful king... and he is faithful to such opinion. Oh! How many, even in future, will ruin themselves [? meaning they go to Hell ?] because of an erroneous concept of faith, stubborn against reason! "But what do you think? That it is easy to follow truth and justice in everything? What do you think? That it is easy to reach salvation just because one is Gamaliel [i.e. someone very learned in religion] or the apostle Judas? [i.e. a Christ's minister of whatever rank.] [N.B.: Rabbi Gamaliel at the time was the most learned and highly respected Jewish rabbi living; and he (and maybe also his son Simeon), was also a member of the then Jewish Sanhedrin.

Gamaliel eventually converted to Christianity in secret, but only when he was very old and had gone completely blind. He went to Virgin Mary secretly in the night, weeping in repentance and, after a short conversation, She then asked saint John to take him to saint Peter to be converted to Christianity. 'Who seeks Mary finds Jesus.' Virgin Mary lauded Gamaliel for his courage, for showing his '... real thoughts to the mighty leaders of Israel, without fearing their reactions.'] "[Jesus continues:]

No. I solemnly tell you that it is easier for a boy, a common believer to be saved, than it is for one elevated to a special task or mission. Generally the pride of their vocation [i.e. being a minister of Christ] overwhelms those who are called to a special destiny, and such pride opens the door to Satan and rejects God. [Jesus goes away in disgust from a man who becomes proud.] "It is easier for stars [Christ's ministers] to fall than it is for stones [which are already on the ground].

The Cursed One [Satan] strives to put stars out and he insinuates himself crookedly [i.e. cunningly, snakily] to lever up the chosen ones and thus overturn them [i.e. to lead them into pride, sin, and Hell]. If a thousand or ten thousand men fall into common errors, their ruin affects them only. But if one appointed to a special destiny falls and becomes the instrument of Satan instead of God's, his [Satan's] voice instead of 'Mine,' his [Satan's] disciple instead of 'Mine,' then the ruin is much greater and may even bring about deep heresies, which injure countless souls.

[Observe the many Christian denominations, that have grown or have separated themselves as a result of, or in reaction to, heresies. Heresies are nothing other than just putative 'flowers growing on a tree not grafted to Christ.'] "[Jesus continues:] The good I give will bear much good if it falls on humble ground, which will remain humble. But if it falls on proud ground or which becomes proud because of the gift received, then the good turns into evil. "Gamaliel was granted one of the first manifestations of the Christ [when Boy Jesus was 'lost' in the Temple]. It was to be his [Gamaliel's] early call to the Christ.

That is why [through his pride] he is deaf to My Voice calling him [he was still alive while Jesus was discussing Judas with the 4 people above]. [N.B.: When Jesus was a Boy about 12-13 years old and 'lost' in the Temple, He disputed, in severe terms, with the religious doctors there, with Boy Jesus telling them, among many, many other things, that they and those like them elsewhere, '... could not understand the Word of God because meanness, pride, and falsehood prevented them from seeing and hearing.' That is, in reality, they were in sin, and therefore could not understand the Scriptures properly. [Many discussions took place in the Temple. The religious doctors included elderly Hillel, Gamaliel, Shammai, and some of their followers.

Hillel, highly learned, respected, and fatherly, was kind and gentle with Boy Jesus. Gamaliel was somewhat neutral. Shammai, a rather nasty piece of work who's now probably in Hell for calling Boy Jesus, 'Satan,' verbally attacked Him, i.e. Boy Jesus, but Hillel and his followers immediately came to His defence, calling Boy Jesus a 'Prophet of God;' and Hillel then asked Him to stay with him, saying to Him that: 'My old age will transfuse what I know into Your Knowledge and You will be Master of the People of God.'

Hillel never knew that he was in fact speaking to God Himself who was cloaked with the flesh of a mere boy: Jesus.] [Some of the concluding Words of Boy Jesus included the following, that: 'These walls {of the Temple} shall hear My Voice again and vibrate hearing My last Word.' {Matthew 27.51} I think that Gamaliel was waiting for this to happen before he was prepared to convert to Jesus, not realising of course that that vibration was to occur upon Jesus' death on the Cross, and not before as he had thought it would be. In general, Gamaliel was rather stiff-necked - proud!! {In Italian, there are two main (non-vulgar) words for pride: 'orgoglio' and 'superbia,' with the latter seemingly derived from Tarquinius Superbus - the last king of ancient Rome.}] [Sinning, therefore, as already said, darkens and weakens one's ability to understand the Scriptures properly.

Of course, these self-imposed, self-inflicted handicaps continue to plague the Church to this very day - via some clergy - albeit unseen, snakily.] "[Jesus continues talking to the 4 persons above:] Judas was granted to be an apostle: one of the twelve apostles among the thousands of men in Israel. It was to be his sanctification. But what will it be?... [John 13.21 -

Jesus could not disclose to the 4 persons above that He, as also being God, already knew. He knows everything from eternity to eternity.] "My friends [addressing the 4 persons above], man is the eternal Adam... Adam had everything except one thing [to be like God]. He wanted that one. And if man would only remain Adam! Very often he becomes Lucifer [who wanted to be like God but instead became a demon: Satan]. He [man] has everything except divinity. He wants that. [Some Roman emperors fancied themselves being divine.]

He wants the supernatural to astonish, to be applauded, feared, known, celebrated... And in order to have something which God only can give gratuitously [i.e. for free], he embraces Satan, who is the Monkey of God ['monkey see, monkey do'] and gives simulated supernatural gifts. Oh! How terrible is the fate of those demons!" [i.e. of those men who choose Satan as their master and obey him! And so they become demons.]

Much like Lucifer once did, as also the repugnant Valtorta haters have done and continue to do today, the then Jewish Sanhedrin rebelled and went to war against our Lord Jesus Christ, and got punished for it, a punishment that continues to this very day. The geographical region that comprised then Palestine was cursed by God, and the Jews' magnificent Temple in Jerusalem, of which they were so fiercely proud, destroyed in 70 A.D. via the hands of the Romans, never to rise again.

The Father is still waiting for the crying repentance of the Jews so that He may forgive them for killing His Son Jesus. One day (unrevealed) they will indeed repent, and recognise Jesus as the Messiah, but it will then be much too late as it will then be the end of the world. -------------------------------------------------

Excerpts from the Writings of Maria Valtorta cited herein are with permission from the Italian publisher: Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri (FR), Italy. ------------------------------------------------- [12/12/2018:029:20:44:12:2403 4483651100161K]

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