Release › Press Release     ›   29 Oct 2018

NDC UK/Ireland Chapter congratulates National Youth and Women’s Organisers elect

The NDC UK/ Ireland Chapter wishes to congratulate the Youth and Women Organisers elect at the last Congress held on 27.10.2018.

Once again the democratic credentials of our party has been deepened as delegates cast their votes to choose our leaders in a free, fair, transparent and peaceful environment.

A new crop of leadership has emerged with a mandate to steer the affairs of the Youth and Women's wings into the future.

These elections come at a critical time when our party is in opposition and the country is in the hands of a corrupt, nepotistic, unsympathetic and violent government.

All the elected leaders have demonstrated beyond every doubt their capabilities to discharge their new responsibilities with the needed alacrity.

The Chapter has confidence in this new leadership to inspire the youth and women of our party to be the vanguards of our great party at various levels.

To those who could not make it, there is so much work ahead for everyone.

The UK/ Ireland Chapter urges all former contestants to close their ranks and work together for victory 2020.

Once again, congratulations.


Simon Aworigo
Communication Officer
NDC UK/Ireland Chapter

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