Release › Press Release     ›   01 Jan 2018

Let's Remain Resolute For A Quality And Prosperous Educational System In 2018—NUGS Admonishes

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) extends our warmest greetings and best wishes to all Students both home and abroad, fulfilling and prosperous tidings as we join the millions across the world in ushering in the year 2018.

This is always a hopeful time, as we celebrate the beginning of yet another year. And while 2017 was difficult for many Ghanaian Students, we must also look back on this year with the knowledge that brighter days are ahead of us that although our challenges are great, each of us has the courage and determination to rise up and meet them.

It is that spirit that has kept the National Union Of Ghana Students' Dream alive for generations, and it is that spirit that will keep it alive for generations to come. NUGS remains unbroken and unbeaten amidst the numerous problems which face it. However, the story of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ gives us hope for a brighter tomorrow regardless.

In the year 2018, we will assiduously work towards advocating for the creation of a Prosperous educational sector full of opportunities, where every Ghanaian child, no matter the circumstances of their birth, has a fair chance to a Free Quality Basic and Secondary Education, and where we can unleash the enterprise of our constituents so that we can build a progressive, prosperous Ghana whose citizens live in harmony and decency.

NUGS shall not relent in our quest to flash out miscreants both within and without in order to ensure stability at the student front in the year 2018. To this we pledge our unflinching and overwhelming support. We, therefore, call on all Ghanaian Students to rally support behind NUGS as we build a stronger foundation for the take-off of projects and programs aimed at bettering the lives and opportunities for the Ghanaian Student.

As the New Year fills our hearts with gratitude, let us not forget our responsibility towards one another. Let us all embrace it with Hope in the midst of Hopelessness and celebrate the New Year safely and responsibly, and remember to help those who are less fortunate than ourselves._

God Bless Our Homeland Ghana
And Make Our Nation; Great And Strong.
God bless The National Union of Ghana Students
Aluta Continua....Victoria Ascerta
Mercy Rowi Asamani
General Secretary
Elisha Oheneba Essumang

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