Release › Press Release     ›   25 Jun 2017

GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee-Ayawaso Akutsei Wishes All Muslims A Happy 2017 Sallah Festival Celebration

Mubark Nii Nortey Anaye Yeboah Chairman of the GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee-Ayawaso Akutsei on behalf of the GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee and on his own behalf wishes all Muslims of our organization as well as Muslims within the Ayawaso Municipalities and the entire country a HAPPY 2017 SALAH CELEBRATION.

The GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee- Ayawaso Akutsei as an organization that seeks to preserve the cultural heritage of the GaDangme people did observe with admiration how our Muslims brothers and sisters as well as the entire Muslim body as a community in the country, faithfully made supplication to God for themselves, our municipalities and the entire country through a month fasting and prayers.

As the fast comes to an end which ushers in the Salah celebration, it is our fervent prayer that God hears all the prayers lifted up to Him and answers with blessings of good health, prosperity and success in the year ahead of us.

We will like to use this opportunity to advise our Muslim youth to eschew all forms of social vices such as mob justice, drug use, cyber crimes, armed robbery and land guarding which is taking root among all sections of the Ghanaian youth of our country. We therefore admonition our Muslim youth to be a shining example for other youth to emulate.

We hope and pray that the virtues of sympathy, sharing and love for all men that this festival seeks to imbibe, will continue to find expression among Muslims long after this celebration. We entreat all Muslims residing within the Greater Accra Region to join hands with the GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee and also put shoulders to wheel in our quest of seeking the advancement of our municipalities and region for us all. We hope that our generation and the generations to come will continue to maintain the friendship and peace existing among us. Once again we wish all Muslims a very Happy Salah Celebration, God richly bless us all.

We look forward to a hearing from you if you want further clarification on any issue with respect to this press release, Thank You,

Numo Tettey Amanor;
Secretary General GaDangme Fomorbii Akpee

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