Opinion › Editorial     ›   12 Aug 2016

How Shameful, Deceitful!

Ethno-religious politics which the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is fond of playing, especially when it's glaring that it's losing the deference and confidence of the people is appalling.

There have been instances of this and the repercussions from it, humiliating.

We recall when the Brong Ahafo Regional Minister told Muslims that the elephant is a bad animal and not liked in Islam. Since the logo of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) is an elephant, it therefore stands to reason that Muslims should not belong to the political grouping.  This is a warped logic which could only be advanced by persons of the mould of the minister.

He expectedly came under a barrage of attacks, all of which pointed at his shallowness of knowledge and failed mischief.

We would have expected others who think like him to avoid similar pitfalls: the country having moved beyond the cheap politics of many years ago.

The politics of “if party A comes to power it will deport all non-Ghanaians” is so cheap and infantile that those who perpetrate same stand the risk of being labeled nincompoops, which they are anyway.

Why would somebody, a minister for that matter, who should know better that the Mossis, Bisas or Busangas, Hausas and others are fourth or even fifth generation of migrants, although have their ancestral homes in Burkina Faso and Nigeria, feign ignorance.

These persons are part of the Ghanaian system, part of her history and bona fide citizens of this country and so for somebody to go and tell them that they would be discriminated against by a Nana Akufo-Addo presidency is to display stupidity and mischief of the highest order.

Collins Dauda's showing, when he visited the Zongo community in Koforidua and spewed the nonsense about Nana Akufo-Addo discriminating against Muslims, is so infantile that we are restraining ourselves from describing what he really is.

This useless card about such discrimination and even mass deportation was played many years ago to no avail and for Collins to seek to return to it smacks of desperation and total disregard for the decency required of persons holding important state appointments such as ministers and others.

Nana Akufo-Addo, who is more versed with the Constitution of Ghana than Collins Dauda should be the last person to breach the document which outlaws discrimination along ethno-religious lines.

Politicians of the ilk of Collins Dauda should for the sake of Ghana's cohesion and unity stop insulting the intelligence of their less endowed compatriots using cheap and infantile issues. Let's move beyond this nonsense.

So Nana Akufo-Addo would discriminate against Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia or Mustapha Hamid because they are Muslims and members of their faith? Oh dear, this country, hmmm!

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