Release › Press Release     ›   27 Sep 2015

1995 Year Group Constructs 850 Watts Solar Power At Prempeh College

Kumasi, Saturday 26th September, 2015 - The 1995 year group of Prempeh College (SSS 95) has commissioned an 850 Watts Solar lighting system at Prempeh College to help light -up all the teaching and learning facilities at the school.

Commissioning the project, the President of the group Mr. William Asamoah Abetia said the decision to embark on the project was motivated by the recent power crisis which has bedeviled the country. Teachers and Student had bemoaned the negative impact that the power crisis is having on academic work at the School and called on alumni to help.

Mr. William Asamoah Abetia urged the old boys of the school to come together to raise resources to support teaching and learning at the school since government alone cannot be saddled with all the burdens of development and maintenance of schools. He added that with the new community day senior high schools springing up, the state resources will shift from traditional schools to the new ones as a way of bringing equity into the school.

He was full of praise to the team that won this year (2015) National Science and Mathematics Quiz. He charged both the students and teachers to work assiduously to raise the academic fortunes of the school high. Adding that “Prempeh College is known by the quality of students it produces and believes that the installation of the Solar system will go a long way to enhance academic performance ensuring that Prempeh college recapture its glory. He therefore encouraged the current students and staff to take advantage of this project and make the difference count in their performance in future WASSCE exams

“Seniors would be pleased with our effort, if we see Prempeh College topping the exam league tables in the near distance future,” he added.

The former deputy Youth and Sports Minister, Honourable Joseph Yamin who is also an old boy for the school admonished the students to take their studies seriously.

Mr. Appiah Kusi Adomako, speaking on academic excellence told the students that they had no reason for not doing well in the WASSCE. He said, compared to their time, the Albert Einstein’s among them could easily get grade A. He added that with more than twenty years of SHS education, there are enough resources for the students to excel.

The Cost of the Project
The entire 850 Watts electricity project which includes a five year service contract with the supplier cost the year group GHC 65,000. It was financed through voluntary contributions by the group members in Ghana and the diaspora.

The Headmaster of the school, Mr. Yeboah expressed the school’s appreciation to the SSS 1995 year group for the big -hearted gift bestowed to the school. He said the school spends a lot of money to light up the classrooms blocks during evening ‘prep’ hours to enable students study conveniently at night. He was hopeful that the solar lighting system at the school will help the school save money on electricity, even when the energy crises are over. The savings, he said, would be re-directed to other areas to enhance teaching and learning.

He called on other year groups to emulate the good deeds of the SSS 95 group

The National President of the Prempeh College Old Boys Association, Snr K. F Asante, thanked the year group for coming to the aid of the school. He called for coordination among the year groups to synergize efforts aimed at helping the school.

The Origin of the Group
The ’95 year group convened about a a year ago on a social media platform and within a month connected to about 150 members living in Ghana, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Far East. An interim management committee was set up to steer the affairs of the group till the official homecoming of the year group in September 2015 which would mark 20 years of members completing their SSS programme in the school.

For more information, please contact:

William Asamoah Abetia,
Chairman, IMC-1995 SSS Year Group.-0244619213,

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