News › Religion     ›   06 Apr 2015

Don’t Doubt The Resurrection Of Our Lord Jesus Christ; Says Rev. Baah Abekah.

All FAITHS in the world have been urged not to DOUBT THE RESURRECTION from the dead OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, the friend and Savour of Sinners. The Resident Pastor of the Ghanaian Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Canada, the Rev. Raymond Baah Abekah, has said.

Delivering the sermon today, Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015, Rev. Baah Abekah said the Resurrection has strengthened believers and given them the power to witness and proclaim to non believers the power Jesus Christ has bestowed on Christians.

He told the capacity church congregants that leaders of other faiths, who are dead, are still in their graves and will never resurrect, adding that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a true testimony that HE has conquered death and hell.

According to the Gospel of John, Chapter 20 Vr 12, the Angels, messengers of Almighty God, also testified to the resurrection of Jesus, Rev. Baah Abekah stressed, and HE appeared to more than 500 people after the resurrection, says First Corinthians, Chapter 15 verse 6.

The Rev. Baah Abekah posed a question: if Jesus had not resurrected on the third day, what would have been the significance to us as believers? He told the congregants that the resurrection brought Christians the HOPE and “we need to believe it and not doubt it.”

At John 20 verses 17 and 18, Rev. Baah Abekah urged Christians to proclaim the resurrection to others as Mary Magdalene did to Peter and the disciple Jesus loved, John, on the resurrection day, asking that how would you prove to others that your are living your live based on the RISEN LORD?

Finally, Rev. Baah Abekah quoted from Colossians, chapter 3 verse one, and said if Christians have risen with Christ, then they must do things, which are above where Christ Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God.

The Men's Fellowship, dressed in white shirts WITH BLUE AND WHITE FLYING TIE and black pants, the Women's Fellowship, all in WHITE with their usual white headgear, Singing Band in BLUE TOPS and the Church Choir, in their Traditional Black and White Robes, and others not in any group attire, backed by the Church Band, worshipped and danced to the GLORY OF GOD.

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