News › Religion       21.09.2014

Postulates About Origins


When anyone who we know looks at a spoon or a cup or a fork or a knife, not to mention a car, he or she immediately understands that each had a designer. However, it is amazing that when some of those same people consider a single plant or animal cell (which is far more complex than a car) they fail to see the obvious design of the cell. Some of them also seem to fail to see the brilliant design of a tree (some composed of over 10^17, or 10-million times 10-billion, cells) or a human being (whose body contains over 50-trillion cells). Furthermore, some fail to see the design of the earth, the solar system and the universe, with all of their varied, precise and magnificent systems that make life here, on earth, possible.

Unfortunately, I was once also one of those “blind observers,” and while doing a review of the more contemporary writings on unproven (actually, more or less disproved) evolutionary biological postulates, I can see that the deception has grown far more complex than it was when I fell victim to its suppositions. Also, while conducting my study, I realized that at least some evolutionists would rank quite low in regards to their command of mathematics or the scientific method, and most of the writings that I have read seem more faith based than mathematically or scientifically based.

For example, one article that I read quoted an article written by an alleged physicist who wrote about computing the entropy per unit time produced by an entity living on the earth utilizing the improbability of the individual being the outcome from his or her grandparent (a number pulled out of the thin air and claimed to be a conservative estimate)—clearly nonsensical in regards to knowing the entropy produced by an individual per unit time, as the article claimed to assert. This article then claimed to state the entropy per second transferred to the earth via cosmic radiation and compared that to the total entropy being produced by human beings and animals (using their previous, irrelevant computation and multiplying it by an estimate, again claimed to be conservative, of the total number of humans and animals on the earth), in order to “illustrate” that the entropy per unit time being produced by all of the creatures on earth is far less than the entropic impact of cosmic radiation. The author confidently asserts that this is additional “evidence” that the entropy laws do not defy evolution, as those “crazy” creationists continue to assert, and he states that he is going to tuck it into his folder of anti-creationist evidence.

To say that such ramblings, while seemingly impressive, since they refer to physics and theories thereof and utilize “complex” looking equations, are mindless and seem like proof of Romans 1:22 would be an understatement, to say the least. Also, if such a “work” had at least made an effort to estimate the real entropy per unit time that is produced by a “typical” living being on the earth and the estimate of the total entropy produced by all of the living beings on the planet did turn out to be less than the entropy introduced by “dumb” processes, like those that bombard the earth with cosmic radiation, one might think something like, “Wow, it is amazing that highly organized beings inject so little disorder into their environment, while apparently unintelligent processes are introducing larger amounts of disorder into that same environment; I wonder how that is possible?” However, sadly, the aforementioned evolutionary biologist would most certainly have missed the point, even if he had correctly computed the quantities that he had intended to compute.

The source of the problem seems to be that most evolutionary biologists, as well as many physical scientists, are not willing to admit one answer—i.e., the truth—into their consideration set of the origins of the universe, the earth, life on the earth, etc. Thus, they are stuck trying to find the truth that they have already eliminated.

What Does God Say?
In His Word, God clearly stated how the stars, the earth and its original inhabitants came to be (Genesis 1; 2:1-7). It is pretty simple: God made all. Furthermore, the purpose of some of the largest objects in the universe seems to be for nothing more than marking periodic events (e.g., day and night and seasons) and signs upon the earth, and they were made after the earth, two thirds of the way into the creation process (Genesis 1:14-19).

What Do Evolutionary Biologists Say?
The message that one can gather from reading the writings of evolutionists and evolutionary biologists is not entirely coherent, to say the least, but one of the more common postulates (often falsely claimed to be a theory) is that evolution is the (random) process of mutations of DNA molecules (usually from radiation) filtered through the process of natural selection (that is, a “natural” process whereby undesirable mutations are eliminated and so called “good mutations” are retained). This is a type of “improvement” upon Darwin's theory, since Darwin did not understand that there is no such thing as a simple cell and that cellular operation is directed by long, complex strands of information packed DNA/RNA molecules.

However, a study of more contemporary postulates (again, almost always falsely claimed to be theories) indicates that mutations of DNA molecules are not random (due to the nature of the design of the DNA molecule, itself); that in, spite of over a century or accelerated mutation testing on the likes of fruit flies, no “good” mutations of the DNA molecule have ever been identified, and that adaptations of individuals within a species are limited to the extent that those adaptations are encoded within the preexisting gene pool of the members of that species. Indeed, so called evolutionary biological development (or “EvoDevo”) theory even seems to assert that the genome of an individual encodes all of the expressible traits of that individual's species. (That is, the information required to express all of the potential adaptations that are possible within a species was encoded within the first individual(s) of that species.)

So, in a nutshell, evolutionists (which primarily talk exclusively about micro-evolutionary, aka adaptation, processes and then try to generalize that to macro-evolutionary and cosmic evolutionary processes) basically seem to be postulating, on a micro-evolutionary (adaptation) level, what God's Word has stated for thousands of years (Genesis 1:11-12,21,24-25). The only problem is that most evolutionists claim not to believe in God and assert that all of this, clearly wonderful, design came about due to a sequence of highly unlikely (i.e., statistically impossible) events.

The EvoDevo proponents assert that what is unquestionably design is the “mechanism of evolution.” However, the EvoDevo postulate does nothing to correctly indicate the mechanism of the creation of the various components (e.g., cells and cell contents) of the entities of the species nor of the entities, themselves.

As we write this, we are utterly amazed at how much effort is being expended in order to try to breath life into a lie, rather than returning to sanity and merely embracing the obvious truth that we, the earth that we live upon, the solar system that the earth is attached to, etc. were all fearfully and wonderful designed by an inexpressibly marvelous, powerful, awesome, kind, loving Creator (Psalm 139:13-14; Isaiah 44:2,24-25; Isaiah 49:5-6; Jeremiah 1:5).

Outcome of Beliefs
One obvious outcome of failing to receive the truth is being given over to a lie (e.g., Romans 1:18-32). Another, by far more serious, consequence is a probable loss of one's salvation (e.g., John 3:18-21).

Beyond that, I can state, first hand, the utter mental futility of believing the lie that we are the result of a freak set of accidents, from the story like event that brought everything that is from nothing at all to sequences of events (each statistically impossible) that led from rocks to human beings. I can also state the joy of knowing and growing in God and practicing the Truth of God's Word.

Powerful Reinforcement

Evolution Demolition
Programming of Life
How DNA Killed Evolutionism
Molecular Machines
Astonishing DNA Complexity

יהוה bless, and shalom.

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