Opinion › Letter     ›   05 Apr 2013

Why Can’t The Politicians Get It?

We all understood that all the fingers are not equal but they strongly help each other to do any function.

The President of a country is equally as important as the cleaner of the streets. It is very strange that our President John Mahama is refusing to attend to the individual calls on the politician to cut down on what they take.

If you say the people should sacrifice you must be seen doing likewise. The message is very simple, just come out and announce a cut down on what you take home and press on others to do likewise.

It is a matter of fact that the country is broke, not only Ghana, the whole world economy is in crisis. Ghana is heavily depending on donors so it is obvious that if they themselves have problems then we must have a bigger one.

The immediate solution is to be bold to cut down on what the politicians are taking to bring down the agitations on our labour front. No matter how you approach it, it might not work because you might be thinking of the petroleum revenue, supposing all the public and civil workers starts now, we will be left with nothing to support the economy.

It is true that the Mills administration embarked on too many projects just to show Ghanaians his capabilities and also the implementation of the premature universal salary scale. It is already gone, nothing can be done about it.

Most of these politicians are already rich people by our standard, so if they want to extend their hands to the nation, they have to look at it as a sacrificial job so that they can make a name out of it. They are rather now seen as crooks, national robbers and this can easily bring about national unrest.

To the university lecturers currently on strike, it is very obvious that the old methods of teaching is not working; let's be more practical and think of improving the basic technology to bring about development.

Let us practically understand how resistors, capacitors, electrical wires work so we build them ourselves so that we can ask for more money. Let's see a professor in the engineering department improving on the recently developed fufu pounding machine so that we can produce them across the world.

We have a lot of natural resources and the moment we start to step them up to secondary products, our economy can receive major facelift.

To my colleague pharmacists I am surprised we still import paracetamol and the malaria drugs, meanwhile in our basic chemistry lessons, we all learnt the ingredients which go with those drugs. Let's for once think of being independent.

Ghanaians we talk a lot but we don't practice!

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