News › Research Findings       18.12.2009

Sexually Transmitted Diseases:- Their Nature And Cure - Third Publication

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) can be gotten through casual or unprotected sexual intercourse or through the public toilet (especially water closet i.e WC). When an infected person pass out faeces or urine in this water closet and some of the infection discharged by the victim touches the seat (porcelain bowl), when another person defecates (pass out faeces) in the same water closet and his penis touches the infections it will immediately swim in and cause the infection to start. In the case of women when they sit to defecate the infection can touch any part of their laps or buttocks, from there it might swim into the vagina or anus and cause the infection to start. That is while it is advisable to wash the water closet and bath oneself with disinfectants like Izal or Dettol to kill the sexually transmitted micro-organisms (STM) i.e bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi that causes sexually transmitted diseases. sexually transmitted diseases (STD) can also be called sexually transmitted infections (STI) or venereal diseases (VD). They manifest in the body of infected person in form of worms and other symptoms.

Moreover, venereal or sexually transmitted diseases manifest in different forms. Staphylococus aureus infection is cause by bacteria called staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus epidermidis (albus) infection is cause by a bacteria called staphylococcus epidermidis (albus). Staphylococcus saprophyticus infection is cause by a bacteria called staphylococcus saprophyticus Gonorrhea infection is cause by bacteria called gonococcus or neisseria gonorrhoeae. Chlamydia infection is cause by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. Syphilis infection is cause by a bacteria called treponema pallidum. Chancroid infection is cause by haemophilus ducreyi. Calimmatobacterium granulomatis causes Donovanosis. Mycoplasma hominis causes post partum fever and salpingitis. Ureaplasma urealyticum causes urethritis, low birth weight, chorioamnionitis. Gardnerella (Haemophilus) vaginalis, clostridia sp., mobiluncus sp., bacteroides sp., listeria, lactobacilli causes bacteria vaginosis. Mycoplasma genitalium infection is cause by bacteria called mycoplasma genitalium. Neisseria meningitidis infection is cause by bacteria called neisseria meningitidis. Genital tuberculosis infection is cause by bacteria called tubercle bacillus. Group B β haemolytic streptococci, anaerobic streptococci (peptostreptococci) causes neonatal sepsis and neonatal meningitis. Streptococcus pneumoniae causes streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Streptococcus pyogenes causes streptococcus pyogenes infection. Streptococcus faecalis causes streptococcus faecalis infection. Streptococcus viridan causes streptococcus viridan infection. Streptococcus agalactiae causes neonatal sepsis and meningitis. Candidiasis is cause by a yeast like fungi called candida albican. Trichomoniasis is cause by a protozoan called trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis). Genital herpes is cause by a virus called Herpes simplex virus (HSV). Genital or venereal warts are cause by a virus called Human papilloma virus (HPV). Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is cause by a virus called Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV). Cytomegalo virus (CMV) causes congenital infection, gross birth defects and infant mortality, cognitive impairment (e.g Mental retardation, 8th nerve deafness), heterophile-negative infectious mononucleosis, protean manifestation in the immuno suppressed host. Molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV) causes genital molluscum contagiosum infection. Human T-Iymphotropic virus Type I causes T-cell Leukemia/lymphoma, tropical spastic paraparesis. Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection is cause by a bacteria called Escherichia coli (E.coli). Klebsiella infection is cause by a bacteria called Klebsiella pneumonia. Enterobacter infection is cause by a bacteria called enterobacter aerogenes. Escherichia coli (E.coli), Klebsiella pneumonia and Enterobacter aerogenes are called coliform bacteria. Ectoparasite like phthirus pubis cause pubic lice (pubic louse or crab louse) infection. Phthirus pubis lives in the hair of pubic region, axillae and other parts, but not on the head. Its bite causes irritation and discomfort. Another ectoparasites sarcoptes scabiei causes scabies (skin disease)

1 Gonococcus or Neisseria gonorrhea Gonorrhea infection,Pelvic inflammatory diseases
2 Treponema pallidum Syphilis infection
3 Staphylococcus aureus Staphylococcus aureus infection
4 Staphylococcus epidermidis (albus) Staphylococcus epidermidis (albus) infection.
5 Staphylococcus saprophyticus Staphylococcus saprophyticus infection
6 Gardnerella (Heamophilus)vaginalis Bacteria vaginosis
7 Clostridia sp
8 Mobiluncus sp
9 Bacteroides sp
10 Listeria
11 Aerobic lactobacilli
12 Anaerobic streptococci Neonatal sepsis
13 Group B β haemolytic streptococci Neonatal meningitis
14 Streptococcus pneumoniae Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
15 Streptococcus pyogenes Streptococcus pyogenes infection
16 Streptococcus faecalis Streptococcus faecalis infection
17 Streptococcus viridan Streptococcus viridian infection
18 Haemophilus ducreyi Chancroid infection
19 Streptococcus agalactiae Neonatal sepsis and meningitis
20 Calimmatobacterium granulomatis Donovanosis (ulcer of granuloma inguinale)
21 Mycoplasma hominis Post partum fever and salpingitis
22 Ureaplasma urealyticum Urethritis, low birth weight, chorioamnionitis
23 Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia infection, lymphogranuloma Venereum infection, pelvic inflammatory diseases
24 Mycoplasma genitalium Mycoplasma genitalium infection
25 Neisseria meningitidis Neisseria meningitides infection
26 Genital tuberculosis Genital tuberculosis infection
1 Escherichia coli (E. Coli) (E. Coli) infection
2 Klebsiella pneumonia Klebsiella infection
3 Enterobacter aerogenase Enterobacter infection
1 Herpes simplex virus II Genital herpes infection
2 Human papilloma virus (HPV) Genital warts infection
3 Cytomegalovirus (C.M.V) Cytomegalovirus infection
4 Molluscum contagiosum virus Genital molluscum contagiosum infection
5 Human T-Lymphotropic virus Type 1 T- cell leukaemia/ lymphoma, tropical spastic paraparesis
6 HIV 1 and II Acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) infection.
1 Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomoniasis
1 Candida albican Candidiasis
1 Sarcoptes scabiei (Scabies) Itching
1 Phthirius pubis Intense itching in the private parts and anals.

Nevertheless, these venereal or sexually transmitted diseases manifest in the body of human being through various symptoms. They are: Sleeplessness, heavy and traumatic waist pains, loss of weight, leaking of urine out of the penis, lack of vigour and vitality (loss of strength), hotness and movement in the body, wormlike movements and rumbling in the stomach, heart-ache (pain in the chest), Hydrocele (small swelling i.e round outgrowth containing watery fluid in the scrotum ), movement in the testis, cough, discomfort in stooling i.e constipation, headache, catarrh, painful stomach (lower abdomen), ulcer, discomfort in stooling as if suffering from acute pile, off and on boils, itching and scratching in the anus, emaciation (make thin and weak), hotness of the legs, palms, and feet, lost of memory, shortage of blood, feeling of sand in the eyes, long and narrow penis, shrinking penis, slight shaking of different part of the skin at interval and at random (movement and vibration all over the body ), slight delay before urination, eye pains, conjunctivitis (apollo), trachoma (chronic eye disease), blindness, mental problem (madness), burning sensation, serious, sweet and uncontrollable itching and scratching in the private part, tiredness, sweating profusely, quick release of sperm (premature ejaculation), weakness of penis, eye shaking or irritation, watery sperm, low sperm count, dead sperm, cut in the private part, swollen penis, Arthritis (joint pains), skin rashes and sores, yellowish, milky or colourless discharge from the penis, blood discharge, involuntary emission (unconscious discharge of semen or other fluid from the body ), flat tummy, decline in sexual libido i.e. fall or lack of sexual desire, inability to go more than one round, persistent (erectile dysfunction) abnormal erection of the penis (priapism), impotence (completely lacking in sexual power), prickly heat even in cold weather, internal body heat, pinching and biting all over the body, red spots in the private part, razor-like movement in the eyes, continuous sore mouth or oral thrush because of oral infection, continuous sore (hurting and painful when touched or used) tongue because of oral infection, mouth odour because of oral (mouth) infection, Watery and excess vaginal secretion, hotness of the womb, ceasing of menstrual period without pregnancy( amenorrhea),painful menstruation (dysmenorria), scanty and irregular menstruation, dark and watery menstruation, two days (or less) menstruation, six days (or more ) menstruation, yellowish, milky or colourless discharge from the vagina, lack of ovulation (release of egg from the ovary), fibroid and tumour, leaking of the womb, shrinking or reduced breast, breast pain (especially at the nipple),lack of sexual libido i.e. fall or lack of sexual desire (frigidity) atimes because of erectile dysfunction (weak erection) of the clitoris, serious, sweet, and uncontrollable itching and scratching in the external genitals (vulva), cut and sores in the private part (vulva), dry vagina,blocked fallopian tube (salpingitis), miscarriage of pregnancies, giving birth to a premature baby, giving birth to a stillborn baby (dead new born baby), giving birth to a baby that dies hours, days or weeks after birth, spotting between menstrual period (metrorrhagia),heavy menstruation i.e. excessive bleeding during the menstrual period (menorrhagia), bad odour from the vaginal ,wet nipple, sore (hurting and painful when touched or used) vagina or vaginal thrush, tongue-like outgrowth from one part of the vulva ( outer part of the vagina i.e. the one you see physically), swollen batholin gland, red spots in the private part, crack in the clitoris, protuberant (curving or swelling outwards) vulva (face of female private part). Some of these happen because the sexually transmitted micro-organisms always target the sexual reproductive organ i.e. testis (in male) and ovary (in female). They attack these organs weakening their activities and at extreme circumstance render them unproductive. Sexually transmitted micro-organisms attack the blood to produce biting symptoms, irritation and movement round the body. These sexually transmitted micro-organisms lives in the body mucous membranes such as vagina, rectum (near the anus), throat or hollow of the cheek. Cervical (vagina or cervix), penile (penis) or rectal (anus or rectum) gonorrhea may be contracted through sexual intercourse, while oral sex (sucking the penis or the vagina of an infected person) may lead to throat gonorrhea (infection), cervical or penal infections. Untreated gonorrhea can lead to such complications as pelvic inflammatory disease, blood poisoning, arthritis, endocarditis, meningitis, sterility and blindness in babies born of infected mothers. If syphilis is left untreated the bacteria can cause paralysis, convulsion, heart failure, insanity and even death. Mistreated infections of gonorrhea, causes staphylococcus- aureus. This venereal or sexually transmitted diseases destroys organs in the body until death if not completely cured. This worms that result from these sexually transmitted micro-organisms in women cause painful, irregular menstruation, and destroys pregnancy. You need not to be a womanizer before you get this sexual transmitted diseases, you can equally get it the day you are testing it (casual sex or unprotected sex) for the first time. Sexually transmitted micro-organisms (bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi) work with nervous system. Pinching symptoms appears in any part of the body you voluntarily think you will have the pinching symptoms. A times the pinching symptoms occur involuntarily in any part of the body. Once you contract (catch) sexually transmitted diseases, you start to suffer from priapism i.e. persistent abnormal erection of the penis (man) or clitoris (woman) or at extreme circumstance impotency or erectile dysfunction which is the inability of a sexually mature male (female) to achieve and maintain penile (or clitoris in case of woman) erection and consequently achieve satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Moreso, this venereal or sexually transmitted diseases can be track down (search and find) through various laboratory tests. The tests we use to track them down are: Examination of the blood, examination and analysis of urine or urinalysis , examination and analysis of semen (sperm and other secretions) or seminalysis, examination and analysis of stool (faeces), urethral swab (male) and high vagina swab (female). Some of these are done by culturing. Flocculation tests (i.e. venereal disease research laboratories- VDRL or Rapid plasma Reagin- RPR) can be used to test for the presence or absence of syphilis in the (blood serum) body. HIV I and II screening or retro- viral screening can be used to test for the presence or absence of HIV I and HIV II in the body. The HIV I and II screening or retro- viral screening detects the presence (positive) or absence (negative) of HIV antibodies. When a drug (orthodox or natural) can kill or inactivate a given sexually transmitted micro- organism it is term to be sensitive if it can’t kill or inactive it, it is term to be resistant. CD 4 count is used to measure the level of immunity (cell that fight germs in the body i.e body defense mechanism) in a person. 200 is the critical level or mark.

In addition, sexually transmitted diseases can be treated by consulting a qualified medical doctor who will use strong sensitive antibiotics (taking with water) that is sensitive to the sexually transmitted micro-organisms (STM) i.e. bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like. fungi to cure or control the sexually transmitted diseases (even when the sexually transmitted micro-organisms are reshaped or hardened by hot drinks or ethanol i.e. brandy, gin, whisky). The best drug to tackle this sexually transmitted diseases at any time is roots and herbs ie good natural medicine but it depends on how you can get experts in it because in this field we have many quacks and criminals who will extort your money and after giving you their powerless concoction (which might be harmful to body organs) leave the disease uncured. Good natural medicines are like antibiotics because they destroy and prevent the growth of bacteria or fungi without damaging the host.

Nonetheless, when you are treating sexually transmitted diseases don’t have sexual intercourse with any partner (either fornication i.e. single to single, adultery i.e. married to another married that is not his wife or her husband or married to single, Homosexualism:. Male (man) to male (boy) i.e. pederasty, male (man) to male (man), female to female i.e. lesbianism, sex between close or near relations e.g brother and sister ie incest, sex between human being and animal i.e. bestiality or sodomy, sodomy is also sex through the anus, genuine sex in a lawful marriage and also don’t allow sperm or vaginal secretion in case of women (due to masturbation) to come out from your body by any means. Masturbation is a situation whereby a person uses his or her own hands to bring sexual feelings to himself or herself (and thereby release sperm or vaginal secretion in case of women out of his or her own body). While masturbation is very bad is because if you are addicted (if it is your habit) to it you do it at will i.e. you can do it anytime (even everyday) and thereby diminishing your spiritual level, your understanding ability and cerebrospinal fluid in the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid in the brain diminishes rapidly when you ejaculate (men) or secrete vaginal secretion (women) habitually and in excess. This diminishes the person’s intelligence (understanding) and makes you to forget easily. If the production of sperm in the testis (in men) or the production of vaginal secretion (in women) increases, due to constant, habitual and excess (atimes on daily basis) ejaculation of semen (sperm and other secretions) in men or secretion of vaginal secretion in women (due to masturbation, wet dream, sexual intercourse etc.) the production of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain will stop or decreases. This means that the energy (ATP i.e Adenosine triphosphate) use to power them come from the same source and that the Human reproductive organ i.e testis, prostrate gland, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral (cowpers) gland in men and vaginal wall or lining in women have advantage in this energy sharing over the brain that produce cerebrospinal fluid. In fornication, adultery, homosexualism you need to convince the other partner into the act and this might take a great deal of time for you to see yourself in the act with that partner. Homosexualism (sexually attracted to persons of one’s own sex i.e sex between men (man to boy i.e. pederasty, man to man) or sex between women i.e lesbianism), incest (sexual intercourse between near or close relation e.g brother and sister, father and daughter mother and son, mother and daughter, father and son, cousin and cousin etc), sodomy or bestiality, sodomy, masturbation work against (destroy) destiny or fate (power believed to control all event in a way that cannot be resisted). Homosexualism, incest, sodomy or bestiality,sodomy, sex with human corpse (dead body) and masturbation are all sexual perversion (i.e abnormal or unnatural sexual habit). Homosexualism, was the act that made God to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexualism, incest, sodomy or bestiality, Sodomy and masturbation are abomination or taboo in the presence of man and God, so desist (cease) from that. All of this immorality mentioned above are very bad habit and must be disapprove and rejected. Whenever you look or think anyhow the message or feeling will be send to the brain and spinal cord (through sensory or afferent neurones) which will analyse the message and send it to the appropriate organ responsible for effecting the action in this case sexual reproductive organs (through motor or efferent neurones). You won’t blame any part of the body because they are doing the work assign to them by nature. It is your duty now to control them by controlling the way you look and think.

Also, this reproduction and multiplication of these sexually transmitted micro-organisms is possible because when semen (sperm and other secretions) or vaginal secretion (in case of women) comes out of your body either by normal sexual intercourse or any abnormal means (Homosexualism, masturbation or wet dream) it lowers your body physiology i.e. science of the normal function of livingthings especially animals and body biochemistry i.e. branch of science that deals with how livingthings are made up, how they combine, and how they act under different conditions. This creates a favourable period for the sexually transmitted micro-organisms (STM). The STM ie bacteria, protozoa, yeast like fungi will then start to reproduce and multiply by a process called binary fission (i.e. each bacteria, protozoa, yeast like fungi divides itself into two parts and each part of the two parts divide into two parts again and the division continues and stop when the physiology and biochemistry of the body comes up to normal again. They later grow into new bacteria, protozoa, yeast like fungi within a day respectively or replicate (reproduce or make exact copy of itself continuously and stop when the physiology and biochemistry of the body comes up to normal again) in case of virus. The sexually transmitted micro-organisms will now multiply exponentially (very rapidly or quickly) and this will make the sexually transmitted diseases to start afresh. So you find out that, that is why when people are treating sexually transmitted diseases with good drugs (. modern ie orthodox or natural medicine) you will see that the drug is working and that you are removing the dead sexually transmitted micro-organisms (i.e. bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi) in form of (yellowish) phlegm- like substance (Imi in Igbo my dialect in Nigeria) or egg- white (colourless part of a raw egg)- like substance through your penis or vagina but when you have sexual intercourse or when semen (sperm and other secretions) or vaginal secretion (in case of women) comes out of your body by any other means (masturbation or wet dream) the sexually transmitted micro- organism will reproduce and multiply under this condition and that is exactly why it seems that the sexually transmitted diseases is not going (stubborn). But when you maintain total abstinence (i.e. not having sexual intercourse or not allowing semen (sperm and other secretions) or vaginal secretion in case of a woman to come out of your body by any other means) the drug will now kill the available sexually transmitted micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast like fungi, protozoa, virus) in your body within one month to six months and you will regain your health immediately. Sarcoptes scabiei (that causes scabies which is a contagious skin disease characterized by a secretion of the sarcoptes scabiei which is transmitted by direct contact and bores under the skin to lay its eggs) and phthrius pubis (which is a pubic louse which survives by sucking the blood of its host, causing itchiness and which is transmitted by direct contact, the adults laying eggs on pubic hairs) reproduce by sexual reproduction. The lowering of the physiology and biochemistry of the body after ejaculation of semen (.i.e sperm and other secretions) in men and release of vaginal secretion (in women) from sexual intercourse, masturbation, wet dream etc don’t affect them reproductively. That’s why scabies and pubic louse respond to treatment and are easily eliminated out of the body. Also when your taking drugs for sexually transmitted diseases don’t take sugary foods like: alcohol, sugar, Honey, Mineral drinks, banana, ripe plantain, sweet etc because the sexually transmitted micro-organism likes and grow well with this foods. These sexually transmitted micro-organisms (bacteria, yeast like fungi, protozoa, virus) like and grow well in anything that is sugary. Any woman having sexually transmitted diseases is bound to be having discharge from time to time but the discharge that is not allowed is the one that come out as a result of sexual intercourse with another partner ie vaginal secretion or the one that come out when you personally induce sexual feelings upon yourself (masturbation). This causes the sexually transmitted micro-organisms to reproduce and multiple (favourable condition) and thereby causing the problem to start afresh.

Furthermore, when the sexually transmitted micro-organisms enters the body newly, it will first of all move round the body, and on reaching the stomach it will implant itself into its wall (and use it as its control centre) and from there its activities in the body will be regulated. Moreover, the sexually transmitted micro-organisms (bacteria, virus, yeast like fungi, protozoa) divides and multiply at their first port of call (anus, mouth, vagina, penis) and through the inguinal lymph node i.e. lymph node at the groin (around the penis or vagina) or any other lymph node at their entrance point enter the lymphatic system from where they get into the blood circulatory system. They will now move to establish themselves firmly in the system so that they won’t be wash or flush out of the system. Through the lymphatic system, they enter the stomach through the lymph node in the stomach (i.e mesenteric lymph node) where they bore into the stomach wall (mesentery) and enroot or implant themselves taking it as their control center, from where the effect of the diseases all over the body are controlled. The sexually transmitted micro-organisms also attach themselves to muscles all over the body. Sexually transmitted micro – organism i.e bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi normally spends 3, 4, or 5 days in the body before it completes its cycle (implant in the mesentery of the stomach and muscles) and manifest (show) its signs or symptoms. When you start taking our drugs (Eminence Consult natural medicine) it will start to kill the sexually transmitted micro-organisms and you will start to pass it out through the penis or vagina. The effect of the sexually transmitted micro-organisms will start to clear from the hands, legs, head and other parts of the body. At last the one that implant itself in the wall of the stomach will be killed and the person will now be free.

Howbeit, sexually transmitted diseases in the body weakens immunity (cell that fight germs in the body i.e. body defense mechanism) of the victim. This sexually transmitted diseases has rendered many marriages childless and consequently leads to separation and divorce. So many married men and women who are aware of these sexually transmitted diseases always go from one pastor to another for prayer because of the movements around their body and the disturbing sound or noise coming out of their stomach without looking for the best solution for their problem. Low sperm counts don’t lead to infertility. The only thing that leads to infertility are the presence of dead sperm or moribund (about to die) sperm and premature or abnormal eggs which result from adverse effect of sexually transmitted diseases on the testis or ovary. Sexually transmitted diseases can lead to mutation (change in the structure of a single gene, the arrangement of genes on a chromosome or the number of chromosomes, which may result in a change in the appearance or behaviour of the organism) which causes natural disabilities e.g. short, paralyse hand and leg, mongolism i.e. congenital (present or belonging to one, from or before birth) condition in which a child is born with mental deficiency and a flattened broad skull and slanting eyes etc.

Also, natural medicine for sexually transmitted diseases can be prepared with water, lime juice (oloma nkirisi), palm wine (ngwo), ethanol or hot drinks i.e brandy, gin, whisky or kai kai ie our locally made hot drinks. All this liquids can be used to get a given concentration of the Natural medicine that kills these sexually transmitted micro-organisms. But the case of ethanol or hot drinks i.e brandy, gin, whisky or kai kai is different because when you use ethanol (kai kai) as the foundation liquid (solvent) for the preparation of the drug (natural medicine) it will reshape or harden the bodies of the sexually transmitted micro-organisms ( hot drinks effect) in the body which will make good natural medicine with water, lime juice, palm wine as its foundation liquid (solvent) unable to enter the bodies of the sexually transmitted micro-organisms again and this will make the disease to persist. Once a person takes natural medicine with ethanol (kai kai) as its foundation liquid, let him not bother again to take any other natural medicine with other liquids (water, lime juice, palm wine) as its foundation liquid because the ethanol (kai kai) must have reshaped and hardened the bodies of the sexually transmitted micro-organisms making penetration by other foundation liquid (used in other natural medicine) impossible. Once you start with ethanol or hot drinks i.e. brandy, gin, whisky, (kai kai) as foundation liquid in natural medicine continue with it so that the disease will be completely eliminated. Water, lime juice, palm wine use as foundation liquid in any natural medicine for sexually transmitted diseases tolerates each other. They don’t affect the structure of the sexually transmitted micro-organism (and thereby making entrance of good natural medicine with water, lime juice, palm wine as foundation liquid or solvent into the body of the sexually transmitted micro-organisms possible). While using ethanol (kai kai) as the foundation liquid don’t drink ordinary ethanol (kai kai) at any time of the day because it will make the sexually transmitted micro-organisms i.e. bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi to regain its strength and start moving round the body immediately. If you drink ethanol (kai kai) after you get the sexually transmitted diseases don’t bother to drink any other natural medicine except the one with ethanol (kai kai) as its foundation liquid. Orthodox medicines i.e. antibiotics (taking with water or hot drink) that are sensitive to the sexually transmitted diseases are good and has soothing or calming effect (but it must be in recommended doses) even if the sexually transmitted diseases are reshaped or hardened by ethanol or hot drinks. Once the sexually transmitted micro- organism (bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi) enters the body and establishes its influence i.e. implant firmly in the wall of the stomach through the mesenteric lymph node or any other organ (and become reshaped and hardened by hot drinks or ethanol), the same orthodox medicine and hot drinks or water use in prevention (3-4 days morning and night) is also good in calming down the effect of the disease. If you’ve been taking hot drinks i.e. ethanol (gin, whisky, brandy) or taken natural medicine with hot drinks as its foundation liquid, consider taking your orthodox (English) drug (antibiotics sensitive to the micro- organism e.g. eletromycin 500mg etc) again with water, because the micro- organism will be sensitive(kill or inactivate it)to it. Put orthodox medicine (sensitive antibiotics) in your mouth, chew or masticate it to create greater surface area, pour or sip a short (or 1/2 or 1/4 or 1/8 short depending on the size of the orthodox medicine i.e sensitive antibiotics)of water or hot drinks into your mouth containing the crushed orthodox medicine (electromycin 250mg or 500mg or any other sensitive antibiotics), roll the hot drink or water with the crushed sensitive antibiotics (crushed electromycin etc) round your mouth and send it down to the stomach through the gullet. This (crushed sensitive antibiotics especially electromycin taken with one short or ½ or ¼ or 1/8 short of hot drinks) will once more calm (start to kill) the sexually transmitted micro- organism and thereby overcome the resisting barrier (in case of natural medicine)of sexually transmitted micro- organism because of the negative effect of hot drinks (hot drink effects) on sexually transmitted micro- organisms (harden, reshape and thicken the body of sexually transmitted micro- organism) making penetration of its body by other solvent i.e. foundation liquid e.g. water, lime juice, palm wine with crushed or solid antibiotics e.g. electromycin possible which is impossible when they are use in natural medicine . By the grace of God I discovered and shouted eureka (cry of triumph at a discovery) that you can break antibiotics especially 250mg or 500mg electromycin into 256 pieces and drink or sip each piece per day around 8.00 o’clock in the morning with ¼ or 1/8 short of water or hot drinks. Put each piece in the tongue. Break it with your front tooth (i.e the incisors) and rinse the front and back part of the upper and lower tooth with 1/4 or 1/ 8 short of water or hot drinks and take it down to the stomach through the gullet. This will produce soothing or calming effect in the body of sexually transmitted diseases victim. Crushed 500mg electromycin taking with a short of water or hot drinks for 3-4 days (take it immediately after sex i.e sexual intercourse) morning and night can be guarantee for prevention against sexually transmitted diseases. I also discovered that when a patient is in coma or unconscious if he or she can’t take drugs through the mouth as suppose (at the right time) the sexually transmitted micro- organisms might kill the person. But we can circumvent (prevent this from happening) this by dissolving ¼ of 500mg or 250mg electromycin or other sensitive antibiotics in ¼ short of transparent or colourless hot drinks (ethanol) or water. Suck it with syringe and needle and inject it intravenously (through the vein) into the patient once a day (around 8.00 o’clock in the morning). This will calm down the effect of sexually transmitted diseases on the patient and he or she will feel cool. When he regains consciousness he will now start to take his or her drug (sensitive antibiotics esp electromycin with hot drinks (water) or good natural medicine with hot drinks as its foundation liquid) through the mouth again. Hot drinks (ethanol) empower’s sensitive antibiotics and makes it to kill the sexually transmitted micro-organisms the more (hot drink effect). Hot drinks empower sensitive antibiotics than water but two of them produce calming effect (when used respectively). Even if you have drank hot drinks or taken natural medicine with hot drinks as its foundation liquid (solvent) after contracting sexually transmitted diseases sensitive antibiotics taken with water produce calming or soothing effect (cool the body) on the victim of STD. As a practitioner in this field you suppose to ask your patient the type of modern (orthodox) drugs or natural medicine he has taken before for the sexually transmitted diseases and the foundation liquid or solvent use. From this you will know the foundation liquid or solvent that will be use to treat him so that the drug or medicine will make impact in the new development. When taking natural medicine or orthodox medicine especially antibiotics make sure that you are taking multivitamin to build up your blood. You can take modern (orthodox) drugs of any nature (multivitamin and antibiotics included) 3 hours before or after taking natural medicine. You can also take natural medicine 3 hours before or after taking modern or orthodox drugs. You don’t take modern (orthodox) drugs and natural medicine together. (to avoid reaction). If you take natural medicine and orthodox (modern) medicine together it will trigger off reaction when they meet in the liver, which is responsible for detoxification (makes drug harmless) of drugs. Modern drugs (strong antibiotics that is sensitive to the sexually transmitted micro-organism i.e. bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi) taking with water can be use to treat and calm sexually transmitted diseases even if it has been hardened, reshaped by hot drinks (ethanol) but when sexually transmitted diseases stays long in the body it forms tap roots and can only be cured by good natural medicine like Eminence consult natural medicine or crushed sensitive antibiotics taken with hot drinks. When you take good natural medicine or orthodox medicine (crushed sensitive antibiotics) with hot drinks (ethanol) as their foundation liquid or solvent (sensitive to the sexually transmitted micro- organisms) it kills the sexually transmitted micro- organisms in the stomach and push it out through the mesenteric lymph node of the stomach. The micro- organisms from other part of the body (head, Neck, hand, leg etc) will gradually get into the stomach in a chain network. It continues like this till the sexually transmitted micro- organism clears from all parts of the body. Ultimately, the one that implant itself into the wall of the stomach will be killed. The victim will now be strong and healthy. The dead sexually transmitted micro- organism will move into the mesenteric lymph node down to the inguinal lymph node of the groin and flush out through the penis in men or through the vagina in women. The sexual reproductive organs are always busy through out man’s life and base on the fact that prostrate gland is very delicate, excess production of its liquid secretion (part of the semen) due to habitual sex life or masturbation normally weaken or destroy prostrate gland at old age (from 50years up) causing prostrate tumour or prostrate cancer. Seminal vesicle contributes 60 percent of the semen, prostrate gland contributes 30 percent of the semen, bulbourethral (Cowper’s) gland contributes 5 percent of the semen, and testis contributes 5 percent of the semen.

Albeit, some people at the early stage of this infection normally thinks that it is like malaria that come and go, that’s exactly while they don’t tackle it headlong and because of this it will last for a long period of years and even destroy their eyes (leading to blindness) and kill if not treated. vaginal secretion come out from the vagina of all women including those that don’t have sexually transmitted diseases when they have sexual intercourse, masturbates or have wet dream while vaginal discharge come out from the private part (womb, cervix and vagina)of women who are victims of sexually transmitted diseases. Vaginal fluid is the normal watery content of the vagina. Most people nowadays die of severe sexually transmitted diseases while people misunderstand it as AIDS. Without all this punishment man will continue to enjoy sin. It is all this punishment that makes man to think twice and yield totally to God. Aids- acquired immune deficiency (or immunodeficiency) syndrome is a disease caused by infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmitted in blood, semen, vaginal fluids, vaginal secretion and breast milk ( in case of new born baby). This destroys the immune system, leaving the body susceptible to potentially fatal infections. Initial infection with HIV causes an immune reaction during which HIV- specific antibodies are produced. These antibodies are measurable at a median of 2 months after infection (window period) i.e. HIV antibody test become positive 2 months after infection, although some people will demonstrate antibody as early as 3 weeks and other may take as long as 6 months. Aids- related complex (ARC) is a condition that manifests prior to the onset of full- blown AIDS, characterized by fever, weight loss, thrush (internal inflammatory disease), shingles (skin disease forming a band of inflamed spots often round the waist) and a general feeling of malaise (feeling of bodily discomfort, but without clear signs of a particular illness). Some of the symptoms of AIDS are: Fever, lymphoma (any tumour of the lymphatic tissues, especially a malignant tumour of the lymph nodes) of the brain (a cancer), toxoplasmosis (an infection of vertebrates caused by a protozoan, and varying widely in severity from presenting mild flu-like symptoms to being fatal, especially with unborn babies) of the brain, dementia (a loss or severe lessening of normal mental ability and functioning, occurring especially in the elderly), Eye infections (cytomegalovirus),Skin inflammation (dermatitis) particularly affecting the face, oral thrush (i.e. a fungal infection, especially common in children and adult, which causes white blisters or sores in the mouth, throat and lips caused by candida albicans) of the oesophagus, bronchi and lungs, a variety of opportunistic infections (not affecting healthy people but attacking those whose immune system is weakened by drugs or disease) including : chronic or persistent herpes simplex (a contagious skin disease caused by a sexually transmitted virus which gives rise to watery blisters i.e. a small bag-like swelling under the skin filled with liquid), tuberculosis (TB) i.e. any of various infectious diseases of humans and animals that are caused by the tubercle bacillus and which are characterized by the formation of tubercles (a small round swelling in an organ) e.g. pulmonary tuberculosis which affects the lungs (formerly known as consumption) or scrofula which affects the lymphatic system, pneumocystis pneumonia (inflammation of one or more lobes of the lungs, usually as a result of bacterial or viral infection), shingles (skin disease forming a band of inflamed spots often round the waist, ribs but sometimes around the head and face), shigellosis (dysentery i.e painful disease of the bowels or intestines cause by bacteria, protozoa or parasitic worms with discharge of mucus and blood through the anus, cause by shigella bacteria), salmonellosis (food poisoning cause by bacteria called salmonella characterized by violent diarrhoea and abdominal pain), marked weight loss,diarrhoea (a condition in which the bowels are emptied more frequently and urgently than usual and the faeces are very soft or liquid) caused by cryptosporidium or isospora, a number of autoimmune disease ( the diseases that arise from the production by the body of antibodies that attack constituents of its own tissues, treating them as foreign material) especially thrombocytopenia, kaposi’s sarcoma- a highly aggressive malignant skin tumour consisting of blue –red nodules, usually start at the feet and ankles, spreading to the rest of the body later, including respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. Anti-retroviral drugs are those drugs that prevent or decrease the growth of HIV which causes AIDS. Examples of Anti-retroviral drugs are: Zidovudine (AZT or 31 Azido 31 deoxy thymidine) or retrovir, Nevirapine, Didanosine, Efavirenz, Lamivudine, Stavudine, Indinavir, Nelfinavir, Abalavir. Eminence Consult Natural Medicine destroys HIV and cures AIDS. Antibiotics are substances, produced or derived from a micro-organism, that can selectively destroy or inhibit other bacteria or fungi without damaging the host widely used in the treatment of bacterial or fungal infections. When antibiotics are sensitive it means that they can kill or inactivate a given sexually transmitted micro-organism and when they are resistant it means that they can’t kill or inactivate a given sexually transmitted micro-organism. Examples of antibiotics are erythromycin, ciproxin, minocin, zithromax, rifampicin, ampiclox, chloramphenicol, ciproflox, streptomycin, norbactin, penicillin, gentamicin, augimentin, floxard, ceftriazine, teravid etc. Aids and other STD (sexually transmitted diseases) no day show for face, so hate and renounce sex before marriage. AIDS i.e. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is also a sexually transmitted disease, we have cure on it and also give expert advice on how to live comfortable with it. If you want your sperm or vaginal secretion to replenish (fill back again) faster after sex endeavour to drink raw chicken egg (you can mix with hot water and liquid or powdered milk). When you take good natural medicine (with hot drink or palm wine as the foundation liquid as the case may be) or orthodox medicine i.e sensitive crushed antibiotics (especially with hot drink because hot drink powers it more than water but water is still good) it will make the sexual reproductive system of women e.g ovary, womb, cervix,vagina etc and men i.e testis, scrotum, penis etc to be in good shape. These will produce good ovum or egg and good sperm respectively which will instigate (cause) conception and during birth prevent hard labour, internal bleeding and all the ills of child delivery (birth) which might be the case if the sexually transmitted diseases resists and weaken or upset the sexually reproductive system of women. Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) give rise to (causes) watery sperm. We also experience watery menses because of the adverse (bad or negative) effect of sexually transmitted diseases on the uterine epithelium (endometrium) of the womb which sloughed (cast off) to become the watery menses. After taking drugs i.e. good natural medicine or sensitive antibiotics for a long time i.e. one month or more (without ejaculating semen .i.e sperm and other secretions or releasing vaginal secretion) when your suffering from sexually transmitted diseases you can stay without drug for seven days (without any problem because the remains of good natural medicine or sensitive antibiotics in the body are still taking care of the sexually transmitted micro – organism i.e. bacteria, virus, protozoa, yeast like fungi) before you continue with the drugs (i.e good natural medicine or sensitive antibiotics) again. Don’t take ordinary ethanol or hot drink during this period because it might affect the sexually transmitted micro- organism (make it to be very active again) and cause them to bring out severe and deadly symptoms. Always bath with hot water (apply hot water directly to the wound or cuts in or around your penis or vagina) if you want the cuts or wounds in (around) your penis or vagina cause by sexually transmitted diseases to heal quickly. Before you marry discuss all your going to experience in that marriage with your partner from beginning to end (from A to Z) especially sexual intercourse and its best practices.

In conclusion, Eminence Consult natural medicine and other good natural medicine (one short morning and night respectively) kills sexually transmitted micro-organisms (bacteria, protozoa, virus, yeast like fungi) and release dead or moribund (about to die) sexually transmitted micr-organisms consistently and in sequence (3-4days interval) through the penis (in man) during defaecation (removal of faeces out of the body in the toilet especially water closet i.e. WC) because of their tiny urinary system but women has spacious birth canal (urinary system) and because of that the dead or moribund (about to die) sexually transmitted micro-organisms (discharge) come out at ease through the vagina into their pant. This continues until the sexually transmitted micro-organisms (STM) are totally erase out of the body (totally cured). Sensitive antibiotics (crushed 500mg electromycin) with half or one short of hot drinks (taking morning and night) kills the sexually transmitted micro-organisms and release it out of the body (in men) irregularly, consistently, in mass and in sequence i.e. 5days, 7days, 9 days interval respectively but in women discharge come out through the vagina as usual. In men and women, the thickness and quantity of dead or moribund (about to die) sexually transmitted micro-organism (that result from crushed antibiotics especially crushed 500mg electromycin and a short of hot drinks or ethanol taken morning and night) diminishes when compared to Eminence Consult natural medicine and other good natural medicine. Eminence Consult natural medicine and other good natural medicine kills sexually transmitted micro-organisms (STM) more than or better than crushed sensitive antibiotics (crushed 500mg electromycin) and half short or one short of hot drinks or ethanol (taken morning and night). No doubt, this academic work is based on positivism i.e. based (on observable phenomena and positive facts rather than speculation ) and is also experiential (based on direct experience). So I recommend that researcher’s will work to improve the efficacy (producing the desired result) and quality of crushed sensitive antibiotics (especially crushed 500mg electromycin) and half short or one short of hot drinks or ethanol (taken morning and night) so that it will be up to or more than that of Eminence Consult natural medicine or other good natural medicine for total cure to be guaranteed. I recommend also that the inability of most of the incurable diseases (we can control them) e.g. tuberculosis, sickle cell anemia, leprosy, epilepsy etc to be cured (with antibiotics or other drugs) might be trace to hot drinks and witches attack e.g. wet dream as we saw in the case of sexually transmitted diseases. Sickle nature of sickle cell red blood cell (sickle cell anemia) might also be trace to the effect of sexually transmitted diseases on red blood cell (i.e. blood). Cancer e.g. womb, cervix, lungs, breast, etc can also be trace to the effect of sexually transmitted diseases on this organs. This academic paper by the grace of God is just the opening of the rusted camera shutter for the flash of STD especially HIV/AIDS drug therapy to shine out. Eminence Consult is a consultancy outlet having consultant Biochemist ( with specialization on sexually transmitted diseases) who research and by the grace of God synthesized natural medicine (one short morning and night respectively) having hot drinks or ethanol as its foundation liquid (using roots and herbs) that cures: infertility, impotency, fibroid, blocked fallopian tube or salpingitis, watery sperm, dead sperm, typhoid fever, ulcer, hepatitis, pile and all sexually transmitted diseases (STD) especially HIV/AIDS no matter how long they have stayed in your body. Eminence consult has two non-governmental organizations. They are Eminence sexually transmitted diseases initiative-ESI and Eminence HIV/AIDS gestures-EHAG. Keep a date with us.


Joshua lederberg (1992) Encyclopedia of microbiology volume 4 S –Z index U.S.A: Academic press inc pgs 1-10.

Mader .S. Sylvia (1998) Human biology U.S.A : Mc graw–hill companies inc pgs 333-346.

Marieb .N. Elaine (1997) Essentials of Human anatomy and physiology U.S.A : Benjamin/Cummings Publishing company inc.pgs 471-490.

Slack .D. James (1991) Aids and the public work force, Local Government preparedness in managing the epidemic U.S.A : The University of Alabama press pgs 1-22.










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