Opinion › Feature Article     ›   12 May 2024

Mirror, Mirror on the wall: a lesson of life

(Modern adaptation of the old and famous fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves from the German Brothers Grimm.)

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall...hear my wish!" said the elder sister of Snow White in her chamber before dressing up.

"I hear you, my master. Your wish is my command," said the ghost of the mirror. "What is your wish?"

"I want to be rich and famous!" replied the elder sister. "I command you to make it happen. Make me rich and famous!"

"My master you are rich already as you have been given by birth all you need to be rich and famous. Each person has gifts for their glory."

"Rubbish, ghost of the mirror. Rubbish. Do you want to tell me that I must bring out these gifts and sweat in tears?"

"Please forgive me, my great master. You look so beautiful and underneath your makeup, I can see the beautiful talents you were been given through birth."

"My makeup...what about it?" was the elder sister very angry. "Do you want to tell me for years and years I should sweat tears and stink rather as I deserve to look very attractive and smell good for people to love me?" Her eyes darkened, and her lips were tied.

"My beautiful master I hear your words and rest assured you are very beautiful and attractive to many people. The people who love you so much are not your helpers but your comforters. They tell you what you want to hear but not what you need to hear."

The elder sister was furious and moved her face closer to the mirror saying: "You fool of a useless mirror want to tell me I surround myself with people who want to flatter me and not move me forward? Who are you to challenge my decisions?"

"My master...please...do not get angry with me. You are beautiful with no doubt. And please do not get mad at me when I remind you that God said to Adam and Eva they forth should labor in sweat no longer in nakedness."

"You dam fool...you are close to being shamed into a thousand pieces by my anger about you and the hands I have!" shouted the elder sister.

"My beautiful master, please resist your temptation as only I can tell you the truth about your true way toward the fulfillment of your wish. I know you reject God the creator of heaven and the earth and see him as a lie to confuse people. But let me tell you...good, now I can see you have come down," looked the mirror deep into her eyes. He continued: "Your younger sister found God over the years and stands firmly by his side. God has been testing her over and over again. She worked hard not refusing to stink while doing what God wanted her to do. And as she did not smell good people separated from her. As she put all her trust in God she moved and pushed forward. Her belief was unshaken one day after God had seen her efforts and loyalty to him he would direct her to her helpers. Together they would create greatness for others and by so doing glory to themselves."

"Show me her ways, ghost of the mirror." The elder sister got jealous and started to sit upright holding her makeup in her hands.

The mirror opened his silver lining before the glass he lived in and let the elder sister see. The younger sister was in a house with seven dwarves. They were busy all day long mining gold in the mountain nearby. When leaving their home with smiles and songs for a hard day of working for a great tomorrow the younger sister waved them goodbye wishing them a blessed day.

And off the seven dwarves went singing and dancing and being cheerful. The dwarves knew that working together and for other people's happiness instead of egoistic joy would bring more joy to all, and more direction of where to find more gold in the mountain. Knowing the younger sister in the house would do her bit to comfort them with food and a clean house brought joy to their hearts.

"I see what she is doing! A fool to others!" said the elder sister refusing to see anything good in her younger sister. For her she was evil.

"My beautiful master. I humble myself before you and beg of you to hear me out!" said the mirror cautiously.

"If you don't tell me that I am more beautiful than her...don't try to open your mouth!" warned the elder sister.

"My beautiful master...please I would never dare to do that. Please you know yourself better than I do. By your own good judgment did you see that hard work and extraordinary steps to take bring forth miracles over a long period of time...but by the same good judgment you decided to constantly smell good and use good makeup to look even better. Your younger sister is now part of a team digging for gold and you have only ordinary people around you. I advise you to seek for your younger sister and make a deal with her before it is too late."

The elder sister was still very angry with the mirror but had not much to lose except for a brighter future. So she went to the forest and knocked on the door of the seven dwarves. She had a shiny red apple in her hand. The younger sister was happy to see her and asked her to have a seat at their table.

"I give you this apple as a sign of my support to you. We make a deal. The time you will be rich in gold and famous beyond the forest and our kingdom I will come back to you and ask for my share of the gold."

"Whoever is wise to support me and not destroy my name is welcomed in this house of gold. I am glad you came and I accept the deal."

The elder sister left and the time was close that the house of the dwarves was filled with gold. And the younger sister kept her promise and shared her gold with her elder sister. Both lived ever after in happiness in their places.

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