LifeStyle › Career & Money       19.09.2017

5 Priceless Life Lessons Event Organisation Taught Me!!!

#Tribeless was my 5th staged play. Overall, we've staged close to 20 shows of 5 plays in 3 regions within 3 years.

Here are a few things I've learnt so far.
1. "Expect disappointments. Don't be disappointed! "

I've gotten that stage in life that nothing shocks me anymore. People renege on their promises. Companies can withdraw their support at the 11th hour.

You see, at all times I'm prepared for the worst. Be prepared to absorb any shock.

Others may disappoint you but it will be disappointing for you to be disappointed probably because you weren't expectant!

2. "Do what you do because you want to... not because others want you to!"

I've always had some friends yell, "Chale, come stage your stuff in our school. We'll fill up the place basaaa!" Guess what, you show up there and you won't find even their shadows anywhere near the venue.

Do what you want to do because you think it's appropriate to... not because of something they call "popular request".

Popular request is almost a synonym of an empty promise.

3. "Have options. It's not lack of faith. It's advance preparation!"

At all times, I try to find a possible "reserve" for every service provider. It's not as though I don't have faith in them. Anything can happen so one needs to be a step ahead.

Have options in life lest you'll be unnecessary heartbroken. No one is irreplaceable in life. Remember?

4. "Find the positive in every negative!"

Times without number, setbacks have hit me hard. There's never been a time we never encountered a challenge putting a play together.

However, it's about how one reacts to those setbacks. You can always find an opportunity therein if you want to.

There's always a positive in every negative. Find it!

5. "All things are working together for your own good!"

It's amazing how some disappointments may rather lead you to other options which were far better than the previous ones.

All things are working together for your good. All things. Cheer up!

The writer is a thinker, columnist with The Mirror, dreamer and playwright.

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