Health › Health & Fitness       01.06.2016

Am I Pregnant – All The Signs Of Early Pregnancy?

If you are asking yourself this question, I am certain (and not guessing) that you have done the thing and now you are wondering if there is a human being beginning to grow in your belly. Is it that you were not prepared for it and trying to find another way out? Well on this platform since we discuss pregnancy and reproductive health issues and also for the purposes of this post, I would like to think that you have been working on getting pregnant and now you are wondering whether you are successful.

One obvious sign (which you are already aware) is that you will miss your period if you are pregnant. To be sure you are pregnant, you can perform a home pregnancy test using the urine test kit or performing a blood test in your gynaecologist’s office. It is possible that you may have performed all these tests to confirm you are pregnant but you don’t feel pregnant. I remember one of my clients who said she bought lots of pregnancy home test kits even after we have confirmed she is pregnant with a blood test. According to her, she didn’t feel pregnant and so she was testing almost everyday to be sure pregnancy was still intact. LOL.

So here you go, 15 signs that you may be pregnant.

  1. Nausea

If flavors and scents you previously had no issues with begin to make you feel like throwing up, then you probably may be pregnant. I remember quite well, when my wife was pregnant with our first child, she couldn’t go into her own kitchen. Hehehehehe…. Almost everything in the kitchen made her want to throw up.

  1. Vomiting

At the early stages of pregnancy, there is a massive switch in the hormones of a woman and this causes what has ben termed by many as the morning sickness (although it can happen in the morning, afternoon and evening… Hehehehe). This causes lots of pregnant women to actually vomit but especially in the mornings.

  1. Tiredness/exhaustion

Do you feel really tired just by doing simple activities that you previously did with no sweat? Do you easily tire by climbing your stairs? Then you may be pregnant. The growing fetus in your womb places lots of demand on blood supply and oxygen requirements. Tiredness is likely to increase as your baby begins to grow in size putting more pressure on your lungs.

  1. Pale eyes

Your growing fetus is now sharing your blood supply with you and this can cause you to be a little anemic. Your eyes and palms may look pale.

  1. Frequent urination

Your body is in a supercharged mode trying to produce lots of substances in “twos” —- for two people and this places demand on your kidneys to work extra hard. This can make you visit the washroom often than you are used to. I know, this can be pretty annoying at night when you want to get some sleep.

  1. Tender & Sore breast

“Ooouuch…” did you say that when you were bathing your boobs this morning or perhaps when you were wearing your bra? Pregnancy causes the breasts to feel heavier, tender and a feeling of sore (pain) especially at the areolar region. You may be pregnant.

  1. Food cravings

Pregnancy can make you crave for some weird things that you probably at first couldn’t even stand. Do you have an insatiable craving for KFC chicken or perhaps for some spicy foods? This could be a sign that you are pregnant.

  1. Over-indulging

So perhaps you were watching your diet just some few weeks ago but now you seem to feel hungry almost every hour and you find yourself consuming more food than you would normally be taking. You may be pregnant

  1. Total dislike for some foods

This is a typical sign of pregnancy. Perhaps you previously liked your onions or garlic but you can’t seem to stand it now. My wife ate no rice meal when she was pregnant with our first child…

  1. Easily irritated

Pregnancy can make the calmest woman get angry at the most little thing. Are you experiencing the pregnancy roller coaster? Do you feel moody? Are you happy now but angry the next minute? The massive changes in hormones during pregnancy can give you mood swings. Try to take it easy.

  1. Constipation or diarrhea.

Pregnancy can be very funny; like it is often said, no two pregnancies are the same even in the same person. During the early stages of pregnancy, some women experience constipation whiles others have diarrhea. If your diarrhea comes with pain, see your obstetrician for advise.

  1. Nagging headaches

Have you been experiencing some headaches lately especially in the mornings? Perhaps you are pregnant

  1. You simply feel sick?

One sign of early pregnancy is elevated body temperature or fever. You may feel unusually warm like a brooding hen…. Hehehehehe.

  1. Heightened smell

So now every smell disgusts you. You can even smell a dead cockroach from under your bed whiles you are at your gate. There is an unusual ability to super smell every thing during pregnancy. Amazing

  1. Vaginal spotting

There is such a thing as implantation bleed (where the fertilized egg implants in the womb). For some women, at implantation they experience a little spotting and this is actually a good sign that you may be pregnant.

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