LifeStyle › Love & Relationships       25.07.2015

Types Of Maturity in Marriage

marriage destroys

Maturity does not just base on age or physical appearances, it involves a lot of things; namely

  1. Physical maturity. Anybody that wants to get marry must NOT be a teenagers, he or she must be mature physically. Marriage is neither a crèche nor a day care, it is a place of work and responsibility. Based on counseling experience, we recommend the following ages:
  1. Financially maturity.
  1. Spiritual Maturity
  1. Social Maturity. Ability to make and keep friends, willingness to say “I am sorry” when wrong, ability to commend, appreciate, and praise. Readiness to change and adjust where necessary.
  2. Moral Maturity.
  1. Emotional /Psychological maturity.

Bisi adewale is an international conference speaker on marriage and family life, the author of these best selling books: Secrets of an Irresistible Wife , Hot and Sizzling Marriage , 20 Highways to a successful  Marriage , Before you say I Do , and more than 60 other best selling books on marriage and family life.

He is the president of Family Booster Ministry and College of Marital Success (CMS) (Africa's Premier Marriage Institute), Host of Family Booster Moments on TV, watched in many countries across the globe.

Bisi Adewale also hosts the popular Lagos Couples' Conference and breakthrough for singles' summit

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