The Fresh Fire

fresh fire

Pastor D.K. Olukoya
Isaiah 64:1-2:
“Oh that Thou wouldest rend the heavens, that Thou wouldest come down, that the mountains might flow down at Thy presence, as when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make Thy name known to Thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Thy presence!”

More than any other time beloved, we need the fresh Fire of the Holy Ghost upon our lives today. Nothing can answer the confusing questions that the enemies are raising today, than the Fresh Fire of the Holy Ghost. When that Fresh Fire falls, the waters will boil. The Bible says: “Out of your belly shall flow rivers of Living Waters” When this water is flowing in you and the Fire of God falls upon it, it will boil and the Name of the Lord will become known to His adversaries and nations will tremble before Him.

This is the secret of the lives of the Apostles; they had fresh fire in them and every prayer meeting was an opportunity to get refreshed and filled again. There was power and fire in the way they moved, in their evangelism and ministrations, and in everything that they did. No wonder they were accused of turning the city upside down. Would to God that we too, can be accused of turning the world upside down for Jesus.

If you want the Fresh Fire of God upon your life, you have to allow the Living water in you to boil. You have to be on fire at all times. The enemy will not come against you when you are on fire; he will only come when the fire goes down. That is why he is always trailing the children of God, so that he can get hold of them at the unguarded hour. When you find out that as you are praying, you doze off and you wake up as your Bible is slipping off your hand, you can only spend a few minutes before the Lord, or you find out that you can hardly sit to read the Bible, or you find out that you hardly witness to people, it means that the enemy is round the corner and you must be careful; the enemy wants to box you to a corner and you must not allow it. If you do not set yourself loose, the enemy will take advantage of you.

Prayer Point: O' Lord my father rekindle your fire in me, Every fire extinguisher in my life be destroy in Jesus name.

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