LifeStyle › Family & Parenting       30.09.2014

Michelle Obama’s attempt to force kids to eat healthy fails abysmally


Most Americans remember Michelle Obama broadcasting her supposed victory for all American schoolchildren whenschools embraced her plan to eradicate obesity among youngsters once and for all. In a nutshell, schools had two choices: Participate in Michelle's plan and get unhealthy foods off the school menu or give up federal cash.

The schools are now bailing out of Mrs. Obama's program, as all that enticing, federal money is going into the garbage can anyway. That particular euphemism is often used with regard to cash and the government, but there is literal truth in it this time. WPCO, a Cincinnati television station, spearheaded an investigation into the new school lunch requirements and discovered that the ultimate result of this master plan is four million dollars a day in uneaten, discarded food.

This is the party that consistently hollers about feeding the poor, mind you. WCPO cited brand new Harvard research concerning the new school lunch mandate in which it was determined that two thirds of fresh vegetables and well over one third of fresh fruit served in American schools are discarded on a daily basis. More than 575 schools across the country have subsequently discarded Michelle's plan.

Considering the program is just out of its fledgling stage, those numbers are quite significant. The majority of these schools knuckled under the mandate in order to avoid having government subsidies yanked. However, they are now seeing the wasted food financially eclipsing any monetary gain from federal grants.

In addition, extra work was required on the part of school lunch employees, as the new menus called for the strict use of fresh foods. Cooks were not happy to see their hard work tossed into the nearest trash can. The wasted food equates to approximately $720 million dollars down the drain each year. Perhaps the money is better off in the hands of the parents, who could afford to offer their children nutritious meals at home if the federal government was not always digging deeper into their pocketbooks. Above and beyond the obvious problems with the government attempting to force youngsters or anyone else to eat healthy, this is also outrageous on a moral level.

Of course, American citizens are famous for wasting food, but this additional waste in our schools is unconscionable. Furthermore, studies have proven that school nutrition plays no role in childhood obesity. Although no reasonable person could say Michelle Obama is wrong to take up American fitness as her platform, the way she went about it was unconstitutional, expensive and morally wrong. Source: 

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