LifeStyle › Family & Parenting       25.02.2014

Secrets Of Durable Families.

durable family

It is not a secret that the institution of family is the most ancient and important one among all other social institutions that exist on Earth.

The LORD God said,  It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.  (Genesis 2:18)   This Scripture tells us that the Author of the institution of family is God. Therefore, when it comes to family issues, there is no source more trustworthy than the Word of God and His instructions.

Genesis 2:23-24 :  The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman, for she was taken out of man. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.  Proverbs 18:22 : He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD. When people – men and women – find each other, they bring good into each other's lives.

Unfortunately, in these last days the institution of family is undergoing serious attacks, such as:

1. Civil union
By using this term people, who do not wish to take responsibility for building a family, simply cohabit. While not registering there status as married people, they show their light-minded attitude to family; this attitude shows lack of dedication, loyalty, and sacrifice to each other.

2. Homosexuality form s a distorted understanding of the role of men and women in family.

3. Sexual relationships and pregnancy at early age (15-16 years old) . This problem has become the plague of the modern society.

However, in spite of these problems, there is an instrument, which God wants to use to restore the institute of family. This instrument is Church.

What  values of the institute of family should the Body of Christ  bring in their families and the world to fulfill God's desire?

1. Mutual love . You will need it both to create and maintain a family.

2. Loyalty . Without loyalty from both of the spouses no family can endure.

3. Mutual sacrifice . Sacrifice is the guarantee of a long and happy family life.

4. Mutual forgiveness . Family can endure any test if man and wife can forgive each other.

5. Humbleness, mutual submission . In other words, spouses must be able to step back, humble themselves, and accept the side of the other ad their own.

6. Patience . With this value any family will stand firm and go through any trials.

7. Mutual trust . Trust between spouses will make a family strong and enduring to all kinds of circumstances.

8. Unity
9. Reverence, mutual respect
10. Dedication, common work
11. Communication
12. Faith . This value implies faith in each other and faith in God, and submission to God's principles.

If you observe all the above mentioned values, it will make your family strong and durable.

By Pastor Sunday Adelaja God Embassy Church Ukraine

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