LifeStyle › Family & Parenting       12.04.2022

Parents As A Guiding Principles For Child Development

Parents are the epicenter of one’s life. We all know the popular saying “charity begins at home.” As children grow demands and requests change over time. Being a child who always requested for plethora of things I can say this. Parents serve as shepherding models to their children and are held accountable for every action that their children do. It is easily said “that a child who grows up to be a criminal will be seen to have grown up without or no attention from his or her parents”. From my observation, I have realized that there is the need for techniques to be developed and taught to help the next generation. From all the programs which I watch especially: crime shows. It has been noted that from an infant or toddler’s age what a child sees over for a number of times takes a form on their life and become a habit.


An Expert opinion on childcare from Petra the owner of the “Fun Shine Nursery” in the U.K, London, Brimberly has had a number of suggestions to childcare and parenting and I will touch on this theme for love of what it means.

1. Let Them Know You Are The “LAW”

From the onset in your child’s life as early as one month let them know you are the parent. You are not to take them for granted. They know and are wiser each day. No one is born with the skills on how to be a parent. It takes time, wisdom and one could say common sense and discretion are the basis as well. The “Law” is actually the boundary and the rules that were in place before the child came into the picture. The structures that shows you are dominant and in charge. You are not their friend but their parent. That is the fact this is the law.


Bible strictly states that as a child grows, it is his or her parents’ responsibility to provide their children every need and wants. In the book of Psalms 23, the Lord is metaphorically pictured as the shepherd and he makes it his vital duty to ensure that all our needs are met and instruct us to trust him to provide our every need.

Spare the Rod and Spoil The Child.

When this scripture comes to mind, classical conditioning comes to play. It is good to reward a child when they have done good and to punish them with classical punishment such as: the naughty corner and time out. It has become a known fact that train a child in the way they should grow and when they grow they shall not depart from it.


To be able to pursue an occupation, one needs to be consistent with their training and these are normally known as his or her habits. Habits are usually developed from home and are the little things we do consistently over a period of time. Some habits are not encouraged such as drinking and disobeying elders. Some habits of accountability should be instilled in children from a younger age. It helps them to be able to become responsible citizens. For instance: you have been given some money to fit a budget. One is to know how to manage through the inconvenient circumstances. It is however, the parents who set the boundaries as to how and what should be spent.


First and foremost, it has been noted that there are numerous techniques that can come to play when considering talking and playing with children. They are very sensitive and what you say can go a long way to affect your relationship with them. These two tactics listening and talking are very essential. The tone is very decisive in the way the child would react in the long run. “Talking to infants and young infants is important for building their brain and giving them a good start in language development. Research is now showing that the key to early learning (and later literacy) is talking — specifically, a child’s exposure to language spoken by parents and caretakers from birth to age 3. And the more of this the child experiences, the better!” (Art of Parenting-Love, Talk, Play, Read, P.13) in short, the more the child gets expose to spoken words earlier the better he or she would improve his linguistic acquisition.


  1. Resource Modules for Home Visitors Module 6.web_.pdf

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