LifeStyle › Lifestyle       13.03.2021

Balance This Life thing

There's a lot of pressure in a society like ours. Actually, an imbalance is happening all over the world. Things get so overwhelming it becomes difficult to juggle things in life. Like being a father as well as being the hubby, being the employee, all at the same time.

What about being a woman, there is even a lot to talk about that. Students are not left out either. Even teenagers these days, face a lot of pressure in this society of ours. Balance---defined as a state of equilibrium, an equal distribution of weight according to the dictionary. How do we achieve this and do well at it? Many people have become so stressed out in life and forget that they are humans and need to take a break. It is one thing to do things well and still remain in a good shape; it's another to get drained doing a lot of things. This is what we have found ourselves in or we might as well be somewhere in the middle. We can't find this balance.

I have always been a go-getter, a committed freak and I found it difficult leaving tasks until I finished them. How could I preach balance, my mental health was draining and I just hadn't realized it. Let's say someone's case was different from mine. He's a workaholic and forgot about his wife or forgot about his kids. He is just so committed to one thing he forgets the others----Imbalance. He could not even preach balance at all. Who then could preach balance?

Can Christians do or other religious people do? NO. Many Christians do not even realize they are unstable. They forget who they serve is a God of balance.

God knows us. He has shown us the benefits of rest and how we ought to rest in him. Balance is a gradual process. It takes growth. Prioritizing is important as well as managing time. We learn every day.

I would leave you with this—According to Diane Paddison; Balance isn't a static thing that you achieve or don't achieve: it's really a series of decisions that you must make in any given day about how to allocate your limited resources. Balance starts with you. Know yourself.

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