LifeStyle › Personal Reflection       12.06.2019

Old ladies and sex

Old Gal in Yoga Pants

Aging. Ugh! Granny panties, flannel pajamas, yoga pants. Sexual desire takes a sabbatical after empty nest syndrome, after menopause, after hormones moan. Is there sex after sixty? Maybe. Seventy? Use it or lose it—it’s going, going, gone.Eighty? Mission impossible. The expiration date on the vagina has passed.

The character Blanche on the American TV show, Golden Girls, was portrayed with a lavish libido. Now, I don’t mean to slut-shame, but Blanche did have hot pants (and not from an overheated dryer). On the other hand, the cougars snapping up younger males are a hoot. You go old horny gals!

Minerva thinks Bernie Sanders is a hot tamale. She’s been a widow far too long.

Until we chat again, this old bag declares, “Aging is for cheese and wine—not women.”

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