LifeStyle › Personal Reflection     ›   11 Jun 2019

Old ladies and hearing aids

Old Gal in Yoga Pants

A shout-out to retirees in the mobile home parks—if you don’t shout they can’t hear you. They warm their wrinkly buns in the sun while the rest of us fight snow, ice, and nostril frostbite.

Have you ever tried to answer the TV remote when you heard a fuzzy ringing sound? That’s what happens with Tinnitus.

And presbycusis, age-related hearing loss, is not a party favor—it’s a party pooper. So don’t buy Wayne Newton concert tickets for my birthday. Call me a grinch, a grouch, a griper—a grumpy granny. But, I will eat the cake and ice cream instead.

Until we chat again, this old bag declares, “Aging is for cheese and wine—not women.”

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