The Examiner 2

Memory Verse: Jeremiah 17:10 NLT
"But I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve.”

Our God is the best and the ultimate judge in all circumstances. I have realized that it is very easy to give the wrong judgment and interpretation of the actions and inactions of people. Sometimes things are not as they appear. Hence, as opposed to making a decision about others, it is normally the best for us to permit God to handle that. Since we are men and constrained in our scope, how about we enable God to deal with judgment and execute equity.

The scripture today, emphasizes that God is the expert in handling secret motives. These are motives that are not easily read or understood. But God examines it. Deep secret agenda is understood and the reasons lay bare before our maker.

No wonder we as men always get it wrong most of the time. That the sister or brother had oversight and did not greet you don't imply that he/she has hard feelings or misconception with you. Sometimes it's just an oversight. Although difficult because it is easier said than done, it's always better to give people the benefit of the doubt. Some may take advantage, but it's usually the best remedy.

As for God, His ways are perfect. He is able to expressly examine the secret motives of men. We attempt by using probability. Because of this action, this may be what she meant or because he spoke like this, it is possible those were his intentions. Let's allow God to handle the process. We are but limited men. Only God knows all things.

I pray when our secret motives are examined, we will not be found wanting. But rather it will bring glory and honor to our God and Father. I pray as the good Lord examines the secret motives of the people around you, any evil one be terminated and the good ones should hasten to manifest speedily in Jesus mighty name.

Remain blessed.

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