LifeStyle › Lifestyle       14.02.2019

Happy Valentines Day to me

Happy Valentines Day to you

Here's to my first love, relationship, friend and family. Akosua ( insert your name here instead) you are complex, hard, trying, nevertheless fun, exciting, one of a kind, keep me growing, fighting for the life we so desire and deserve. You've stuck by me through thick and thin Akosua ( insert your name here instead) I thank God I came to this world as you.

You make me laugh, smile and rejoice in the lord. Oh yes you are fearfully, wonderfully and honourably made. You fight me, try me, and force me to want the best for myself. Our relationship is complicated, full of ups and downs. However you are the greatest love I've ever had.

You make me laugh, never feel lonely, dream, achieve, think, move, breath, I go through so many emotions a day because of my love for you. You are so special, amazing and fantastic. The battles you have come through leave me in awe everyday. My heartbeat Akosua (insert your name here instead) I love you, you are the only love that will never leave me or escape me.

Happy Valentine's Day remember the best relationship you'll ever have with any human, is yourself. Therefore take the steps to bask in your glory, and the love you desire from others will follow. You are amazing !

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