Leading the Church Prayer-3 Keys

The thought of leading prayers in the church can be a scare sometimes. Am I really prepared for this? Am I fluent? How many scriptures do I know? These are the thoughts that run through your mind, especially if it’s your first times. It is no wonder.

In leading prayer before the congregation, the leader must expedite his kindred brethren to a holy errand before the throne of grace. This cannot be done in a canal form, hence the leader needs to be adequately prepared in the spirit to lead others into prayer as Prov 1:7 states that “ the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge”. The leader needs sufficient help from the all-sufficient Father, Jesus Christ, the mediating son, and the Holy Spirit, the comforter.

We will discuss three things to consider when leading others to pray before the throne room of the Almighty God.

1. Be prepared
This has a few angles. Your status for public prayer dependably starts with a standard habit of private prayer. You have to, first of all, know how to pray by yourself, without anyone else and permit your mind the purpose of the petition. As Samuel Miller wrote in Thoughts on Public Prayer, " None can hope to attain excellence in the grace and gift of prayer in the public assembly unless they abound in closet devotion, and in holy communion with God in secret”. Do away with shyness and focus on God. To be prepared simply means to be adequately ready to take on the prayer. Pay close attention to mature believers when they pray. Take notes to guide you in the transition of prayers. Talk to them about your nervousness and find out from them their inspiration. Also, pay attention to the scriptures quoted when a mature believer lead prayers and take note of them. Meditate on these words in your heart.

2. Be concise and clear in your speech
Your incredible point as you lead others in prayer is that they would implore alongside you. Jesus unequivocally cautions against thoughtless rambling (Matt. 6:7) and bad faith and pride (Matt. 6:5). Instead, he admonishes us to pray with all simplicity and lowliness, urging others to join their hearts to yours. It is great to pick a couple of things to pray about. How about start with thanking God, asking for the forgiveness of sins, and most importantly, committing the program in His hands. Prayer points should be clear and concise so the congregation can understand you better and join in to pray. Include Bible scriptures and quote to back the prayer by faith. Hence, why it is important to do adequate preparation in order to avoid mistakes and boring prayer time. Lastly, saying “Amen” after every prayer enables the congregation to know that a particular prayer point is coming to an end.

3. Be Corporate in your prayer
When you lead in public prayer, you are not appealing to God for yourself but rather additionally with others. You are requesting that they go along with you as you approach God and to make your petitions their own. For this reason, you should, however, attempt to use corporate language (“we,” “us,” and “our”) and to pray for things that are common to everyone. Pray sincerely from your heart as God pays attention to every word that emits from your mouth. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you may also remind them of God’s infinite love, by reuniting their heart desires to the things of God. Appeal to their hearts.

Never forget…Prayer Is The Key!!!.
Image source: Crosswalk

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