LifeStyle › Career & Money       15.10.2018

Is Your Boss Mean All The Time? Here's How To Deal With The Situation

Photo- Fotolia

Mean bosses make life at work so unbearable. They make you dread Mondays and detest the sight of the office. People deal with mean bosses everyday but how do you successfuly live the situation and find fulfillment? Before you quit, here 4 ways to help you deal with a mean boss.

Remember your purpose
Maybe you need the experience as a stepping-stone to your ultimate dream career. Maybe you need the pay and the benefit. Maybe you want the exposure. Whenever times become tough at the work place, remember the reason why you applied for the job in the first place.

If you can still find your purpose in your day-to-day work or if you feel that you are still benefiting from the perks of your job, stay.

Create an invisible emotional barrier around you
Hurting people hurt people. Rude people behave the way they do because of their existing personal issues.

Your happy disposition affects them because they may be struggling to be where you are. They may be feeling a pang of jealousy towards you. You may be reminding them of what they want to be (happy) or what they wish to have (joy).

Regardless, always remember not to take their unkind manner personally. Learn to distant yourself from the situation. Think before you react.

Is it really worth your energy and time?
If the pressure is too much, or if you feel like the relationship is becoming abusive, pack your things and leave. No amount of money is worth your self-respect and peace of mind.

Work as if you are working for the Lord and not for men

This verse has helped many struggling unhappy employees get through long days at the office. If you know you are working not for the applause and recognition of the world but for the glory of God, no task is too difficult for you.

Because you believe you are pleasing and giving honor to your Creator, you offer nothing but your excellence. After all, He deserves no less.

Just as in any relationship, know when to hold on and when to let go. You don’t have to endure working with mean people.

You spend majority of your time working. You might as well make it worth your while.


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