Is Confession of Sin Still Necessary?

“And when they confessed their sins, he baptized them in the Jordan River.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

There seems to be a lot of confusion in the hearts of God’s people about the need for confession of sin. Some feel it is “Old Testament” while others say it is only a religious practice of the Roman Catholic church.

I believe the Scriptures clearly enforce and reinforce the need to confess your sins to God and others.

James tells us that when we confess our sins to each other and pray for each other that we are healed (James 5:16).

What makes this simple concept so hard to pin down? Why isn’t confession of sin something we embrace and release in our daily lives? PRIDE!

We don’t like confessing our sins. We don’t like admitting we are wrong. We don’t want to articulate the shortcomings of our life before God. So instead of simply confessing to God and one another, we resist. We create theological loopholes to keep us from having to do the dreaded deed.

Isn’t it ironic how we will put forth much more effort not to do something that is really pretty simple?

I don’t know about you but I have never like confessing anything wrong or bad about myself…much less to God or people I respect!

Takeaway: Where do you stand on confession of sin? Do you believe it is an OT practice? Have you thrown it out as religious? I encourage you to seek out the truth of God’s Word on this important subject. Confession is just another aspect of faith that pleases God. It is an action that requires your humility and faith in the forgiveness of God. Step out of your comfort zone and release the power of confessing your sins today!

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