3 Things Christians Should Know About Heaven

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Heaven is a physical place.
Many people hold varying beliefs regarding the afterlife. Some deny it exists. Others feel there are stages one goes through before reaching a certain level of paradise. Still others view heaven as a place filled with angels and everything spiritual but nothing material.

Scripture, however, reveals an actual place with a specific location. Speaking of heaven, Jesus told His disciples He was leaving to prepare a place for them. The apostle Peter wrote about “the new heaven and Earth” God would create, which, according to Revelations, contains physical things such as horses, trees, a temple, and a glorious city—the New Jerusalem (Rev. 12:22, 15:8, 19:14, 22:2).

2. Heaven is a place of inexplicable joy.
Imagine a place free of pain, sorrow, sickness, and sin. Imagine having nothing to fear—not rejection, failure, loss, or death. Imagine experiencing perfect relational intimacy with God and others. No more hiding, isolating, misunderstandings, or misinterpretations. Nothing but love and unity—the deep community our hearts long for.

In heaven, with all of our deepest needs met and unhindered, constant access to our Savior, we’ll discover—and live in—the true source of joy, Jesus Christ, and the pleasures He grants will be eternal.

3. In heaven, we'll be surrounded by God.
Before leaving Earth, Jesus prayed that the disciples would be one, just as He and the Father are one, “just as You,” speaking of the Father, “are in Me and I am in You… I in them and you in me.” This indwelling of the Father, Holy Spirit, and the Son speaks of intimacy, an intimacy that will only be deepened in heaven where God Himself dwells.

In heaven, God’s Spirit will surround us in a way our earthly minds can’t comprehend.

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