LifeStyle › Career & Money       12.03.2018

It's Monday And Here's How To Avoid Conflict At Work!

Photo credit - Shutterstock

Positively Encouraging
First and foremost, be positive and give your employees feedback . Doing this is simple, quick, and makes your employees feel as though their work is being valued. Being consistent with positive feedback will teach everyone in the office to do the same. One thing to keep in mind as a manager is that you are also a role model. Set an example for your employees and deal with your own conflicts and issues the way you would expect them to.

Work and Humor
Another way you could lighten up the mood in the office is by promoting humor at work, allowing your employees to have a little fun . People spend the majority of their day at work, if it’s all seriousness and no fun, you risk having under-productive employees who most likely won’t last at your company for very long. While our job is our duty, it should also be our passion. Encourage this attitude by starting a meeting off with a fun exercise, harmless funny joke, or sending out a non-offensive humorous e-mail to the whole department.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to promote a positive environment at work, conflicts are bound to arise from time to time. At this point, be aware of what kind of conflict could be brewing. Is it related to someone’s personal space? Could it be over a work related task? Is it a personality clash between two individuals? Knowing what the conflict is about will give you an idea of how to handle the situation. Make your own observations; once you notice a conflict is disrupting the team’s efficiency and morale, you can start taking steps to resolve it.

Seek Advice
If you need help solving employee conflict, seek advice from someone who knows, like your company HR department or senior leadership. An outside perspective can be beneficial. Regardless of the steps you take to solve a conflict, you could be faced with an employee who simply refuses to change his or her attitude. This is when you take the initiative to explain the consequences and follow through with them if the situation doesn’t change.

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