Health › Health & Fitness     ›   20 Feb 2018

Magnesium Miracle: How Magnesium Improves Fertility 

Photo credit - Flickr

Magnesium plays a huge role in overall fertility and the development of a healthy fetus.

Proper magnesium levels are important for the production of progesterone, the hormone that’s produced primarily in the second half of the menstrual cycle and because it plays such a critical role in pregnancy is known as “the hormone of pregnancy.”

Optimal levels of magnesium can also help a woman’s tissue growth and recovery during pregnancy and may help baby receive more nutrition through the placenta.

Healthy levels can also alleviate morning sickness, hypertension, level mood swings and ward off preterm labor!

Here’s what magnesium is responsible for when it comes to a woman’s fertility:

Fallopian Tube Spasms: Magnesium deficiency can cause spasms in a woman’s Fallopian tubes, preventing egg implantation.

Blood Flow:
Known as “the hormone of pregnancy”, magnesium ensures that the right amount of blood flows to the uterus.

Hormone Levels:
Magnesium regulates hormone levels, specifically progesterone, which is important for a healthy menstrual cycle, proper conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Blood Glucose Levels:
Magnesium harmonizes fluctuating blood glucose levels, which can lead to inflammation and subsequently damage to the ovaries.

The following foods are rich in magnesium and good for you:

- Leafy greens
- Whole grains
- Avocado
- Almonds
- Cashews
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Dark chocolate.
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