LifeStyle › Beauty & Fashion       26.01.2018

Get Natural Thick Hair With These Low-cost Kitchen Items

Photo credit - Wikipedia

1. Eggs
Regular protein treatment is essential to enjoy stronger and thicker hair. For a protein hair treatment, the best ingredient is eggs.

2. Olive Oil
Olive oil will also add body to your hair. Plus, it will help soften and strengthen your tresses .

Use either or these remedies once or twice a week.
3. Avocado
Avocado can also be used to get thicker hair as it moisturizes and adds body to your hair. Plus, the vitamin E in this fruit contributes to the overall health of the hair shaft.

Use either of these avocado hair masks once a week.

4. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds can also be used to prevent hair loss and enjoy better hair growth .

Soak two to three tablespoons of fenugreek seeds in water for eight to 10 hours. Grind the soaked seeds to make a fine paste.

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