LifeStyle › Career & Money       16.01.2018

6 Office Etiquette Guidelines You Should Never Ignore

1. Respect another’s need to work.
Just because others are sitting nearby doesn’t mean they are available for conversation at all times. Respect one another’s privacy. Act as if there is a door between you and if they appear to be busy, ask if they have a moment to talk.

2. Be aware of smells.
Within a tight space smells can be magnified, so use consideration when packing your lunch or snacks. Try to eat meals in the kitchen, break room or outside, rather than at your desk. Since many people have allergies to scents, forgo wearing perfumes, cologne or strong after shave to the office. Pay attention to your personal grooming as well. Unfortunately, common sense is not so common anymore.

3. Keep noise and distractions to a minimum.
Noisy conversations (either between workers or on the telephone) or habits such as tapping on the desk, fidgeting or getting up and down often can create an annoying distraction to those trying to concentrate. If you want to listen to music, podcasts or videos, use headphones or ear buds.

4. Be tidy.
Your messy desk can be a distraction to others and will detract from the professional image your organization is trying to establish. Keep your belongings confined to your own personal space and tidy up your immediate area each day before leaving work. If you share a desk, be sure to clear away any personal items like coffee cups and office supplies.

5. Respect another’s space.
Just because another’s workspace is within reach of your desk doesn’t make it common domain. Treat each person’s space as if it was a private office. Do not help yourself to anything on their desk or in their area. Ask first or go to the supply closet if you need a pen or a stapler.

6. Don’t come to work sick.
When you work in close quarters, it is easy to transfer germs. Stay home if you are sick. It’s good hygiene to cover your mouth when you cough, keep hand sanitizer on hand, don’t leave used tissues around, and wipe down the desk, computer keyboard and phone from time to time to help prevent germs from spreading.

4. Be tidy.
Your messy desk can be a distraction to others and will detract from the professional image your organization is trying to establish. Keep your belongings confined to your own personal space and tidy up your immediate area each day before leaving work. If you share a desk, be sure to clear away any personal items like coffee cups and office supplies.

5. Respect another’s space.
Just because another’s workspace is within reach of your desk doesn’t make it common domain. Treat each person’s space as if it was a private office. Do not help yourself to anything on their desk or in their area. Ask first or go to the supply closet if you need a pen or a stapler.

6. Don’t come to work sick.
When you work in close quarters, it is easy to transfer germs. Stay home if you are sick. It’s good hygiene to cover your mouth when you cough, keep hand sanitizer on hand, don’t leave used tissues around, and wipe down the desk, computer keyboard and phone from time to time to help prevent germs from spreading.

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