LifeStyle › Beauty & Fashion       04.01.2018

Here's What You Need To Do If You Want To Go Natural This New Year

Photo culled from

A big chop is when a person has transitioned( let there hair grow out of their perm) for a while and they make the design to no longer carry the straight ends so they chop the relaxed ends off

As referred to in my definition of big chopping, this is when you stop getting relaxers and instead of big chopping you let your relaxer grow out while wearing protective classs and cutting your permed ends off in between protective classs. The place where your natural hair and your relaxed hair meet will be fragile since you have two are working with two different textures in your head.

3. You have been natural your whole life.
Moving right along :)
Natural Hair and Relaxed Hair similarities
Natural hair and relaxed hair require different ways to be maintained properly but they also share similarities For one you can not apply too much heat to your relaxed or natural hair. When applying too much heat to your natural hair it can ruin your natural curl pattern. When applying it to relaxed hair, it can lead to tons of breakage and your hair probably will be more drier.

Your first day of being natural
I know you are probably confused about what to do with this hair texture.

1. Well before you do anything make sure you run to your local store that provides natural hair products. While in the store pick up some conditioner, shampoo, leave in conditioner, and styling products (curl activator).

2. Whether transitioning or big chop it is important that you cut you hair with shears and not scissors. If you cut your hair with scissors it can lead to spilt ends.

3. This is the time to get to know your hair. LISTEN to your hair.

4. When your hair is dry oil it.
5. When it is dirty wash it or co wash it.( I will do an article on cowashing later on)

6. Remember not everybody's hair is the same. What works for someone else's hair might not work for yours.

That's all folks :) I will link helpful videos below :)

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