LifeStyle › Career & Money       19.12.2017

How To Have An Office Christmas Party With A Low Budget

Photo credit - Shutterstock

Hold a Cookie Swap
Instead of having a Pollyanna or Secret Santa, which can get pricey, hold a company-wide cookie swap. Each employee can bring in a few dozen homemade (or store bought) cookies to trade with each other.

Go Caroling
It might corny, but it can also be pretty fun. Gather up a group of your business’ best singers and take them caroling from office to office or from cubicle to cubicle.

Send Postcards
Instead of using traditional invitations, send Christmas postcards to invite people to the party. Since you don’t need an envelope, postcards are less expensive than regular invitations. Place a postcard in each employee’s on-site mailbox. You can also mail the cards and save on postage, too.

Screen Christmas Movies
Turn a conference room with a television or projection screen into a Christmas movie screening room during your office’s party. Screen family-friendly movies such as “A Christmas Story” or “Santa Claus: The Movie” if your employees are bringing their children to the party.

Have a Potluck
Keep the costs of the company Christmas party low by asking each staff member to contribute a dish. Coordinate in advance, so that you don’t end up with 20 bottles of soda and no food. Make a list of suggestions and how much of each item you think the party will need. Hang a sign up sheet on a bulletin board in the break area or leave it with the company’s receptionist.

Make it a Lunch Party
If you decide to have the office party off-site, make it a lunch event to keep costs low. Reserve a table at a local restaurant, instead of going the catering or banquet hall route to save even more money.

Join Forces
Consider joining forces with another small company in the same office building. Two businesses can combine their Christmas party budgets to throw a bigger, more festive bash.

Your office Christmas party and celebration doesn’t have to cost a fortune. It doesn’t have to look cheap, either. Whether you head out, stay onsite, or partner with another business, throw a memorable party without breaking the bank.

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