LifeStyle › Beauty & Fashion     › 18 Dec 2017

Back To Basics, Alata Samina (African Black Soap) To Exfoliate Your Skin

Photo credit - Bellatory

African Black Soap Benefits for Skin
African black soap is made of many ingredients most of which have exceptional benefits to the skin. For example:

  1. It smooths the skin: The soap is made from tropical honeys that are good in creating a smooth skin surface and generally softening hard skin tissues.
  2. Strengthens the skin: Most of these ingredients are also rich in vitamin A and E which have scientifically been proven to work well in strengthening and softening the skin.
  3. Makes skin soft and supple: The high amount of glycerin in the soap absorbs moisture from the air thus making the skin supple and soft.
  4. Removes Excess Oil: The soap as a long history of treating or relieving the skin of excess oil, prevention and clearing of blemishes, stretch marks, dry skin and in the treatment of acne.
  5. Moisturizes skin: The shear butter contained is very useful for people with dry skin because of its moisturizing effect. You do not need to scrub the soap hard on the surface of the skin. It naturally acts on it upon application.
  6. Exfoliates skin: It also has great exfoliating properties that can rejuvenate rough skin, ant fungal and antibacterial qualities can be used for skin healing purposes and reduction of skin irritations or inflammation
  7. Protects Sensitive skin against Sunburns: There are no preservatives used in the making of this soap, hence making it safe for sensitive skin. The honey and shear butter in the soap helps in protecting your skin against sunburns.
  8. Prevents Rashes with Skin: In addition, cocoa pods and shear butter, which are both ingredients used in making the soap contain cinnamic acid, which is vital in preventing of rashes and the effects of harsh wind on the skin.

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