LifeStyle › Family & Parenting       29.11.2017

Ways You Can Be A Role Model To Your Children

1. Healthy Living
When we eat properly and exercise regularly, not only does it improve our own lives, but it sets the example for our children as well. Childhood obesity has become an epidemic in American society which can lead to depression and disease. This is not to say a parent needs to go overboard, but every reputable expert will tell you that moderation is the key in diet as well as exercise. Keep yourself inside the healthy range for where you are in life.

2. Self-Improvement
Apply whatever cliché you choose here, but you certainly can teach old dogs new tricks. Self-improvement should be on our minds continuously. Try new experiences and broaden your horizons. This teaches our children to never stop growing as a human being. There’s always something new to learn in this life. Try to learn something new every day.

3. Serving/Volunteering
Make it a regular habit to get out in your community with your family and volunteer your time and talents. This is one of the best ways to build family unity, teamwork skills, and most of all, generous and serving hearts. Teach your kids to meet the needs of others.

4. Open Up Your Life
Do not hide who you are as a person to your children. Share your past experiences when it is appropriate: mistakes and victories. Show them that vulnerability is a virtue that comes from a position of strength. Take your children to work with you and let them see your daily life. Let them see how you interact with other adults and how you carry yourself. Status doesn’t mean a thing, but your attitude and your demeanor mean the world.

5. Self-Control
Releasing our emotions, whatever they may be, is healthy and reduces stress. How we go about doing that in front of our children, however, has major consequences. As difficult as it can be, it is essential to practice self-control at all times in front of our children. Bite your tongue and control that temper. If need be, take it out in the gym or go for a long run.

6. Right Relationships
We have many important relationships and not all of them are going to be pleasant . Maybe there are issues with your parents, stepparents, brothers, sisters, or ex-wife. Forgive and give grace. Seek to be right in your relationships over being right. Make it as hard as possible for anyone to say anything bad about you. Be an initiator and take always personal responsibility first.

7. Respect and Listening
If you want to teach your kids how to be confident, it starts with showing them respect for who they are and listening to their own unique thoughts. This is a tough aspect of leadership, but the best leaders listen carefully and talk far less. Open your mind and your ears to what your children are telling you. They will, in turn, learn to do the same later in life.

8. Positive Attitude
There is plenty of negativity to be found in society today. Do not add to the daily chorus your child experiences. Instead, display a positive and reassuring attitude and optimism. They need to be able to look at you and know that you are a believer and not a cynic.

9. Goal Setting
Setting goals is important to give us a benchmark of where we are going and the progress we are making. Implementing and achieving those goals are of equal importance. When our kids see us moving along exactly according to plan, it shows them the importance of organization and self-discipline in their daily life. Help them come up with their own set of goals and praise them when the goals are met.

10. Walk the Talk
The single most important aspect of being your children’s role model is to always say what you mean and mean what you say. Walk the talk. Back up your words with visible and concrete action and be a man of integrity and value. Actions speak volumes. “Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

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