Showbiz › Exclusive News     ›   15 Nov 2018

Karma hits Sister Derby

Karma is indeed real. Fingers are being pointed at Fella Makafui for snatching Sister Deborah from Medikal but how true is this?

Medikal and Fella Makafui have been best of friends for some time now so it not weird if the two are on cloud nine.

The question still remains what caused the break up between Medikal and Sister Deborah. If karma is a bxtch then your guess is as good as mine. After Sister Deborah throwing shades at Medikal and Fella Makafui in her new song Kakalika love.

Medikal officially came out to speak the truth on the cause of their break-up.

In Medikal’s “open letter” he finally spilled the beans;

“But damn same person you say she dey follow follow you, too fat to be your friend wey she never get kobo too, you say nobody go like marry am…..i just dey shock how things are turning around now.”

One would recollect that Sister Deborah and Lydia Forson are best of friends. The two are famously known for their Dubai trip which trended on social media for weeks.

So now would you say Sister Derby shot herself in the foot? Drop your comments below:


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