Showbiz › Gospel News     ›   09 Dec 2015

Stratcomm Africa Praise Jam 2015 Lights Up Accra As Thousands Worship

Accra- 5th December, 2015- Strategic Communications Africa Ltd. (Stratcomm Africa) on Saturday, 5th December, 2015, held its annual thanksgiving event, Praise Jam 2015 at the Accra International Conference Center.

The event with the theme, “He is Fearful in Praises” taken from Exodus 15:11, brought together Stratcomm Africa stakeholders including; staff, clients, suppliers, media and general public to offer praises to the Almighty for His goodness throughout the year.

Mrs. Ivy Yankah, General Manager of Softlanding, a member of the Stratcomm Africa Group welcomed the guests. She encouraged the audience to praise God in difficult times. She said “Praising God in difficult times is an expression of faith and He is indeed fearful in praises and able to do wonders on our behalf”.

The venue was packed to capacity with guests who enjoyed inspiring performances from the finest Gospel musicians in Ghana. These included SP Kofi Sarpong, Joe Mettle, Pastor Bright, Daughters of Glorious Jesus, Francis Amoh and Harmonious Chorale. As has been the tradition, Stratcomm Africa projected a new artiste, Ms. Evely Abanyie whose soul inspiring music got the audience to their feet in joy.

Praise Jam 2015 guests were welcomed with an amazing “Lobby Experience” where guests were treated to soothing gospel jazz music by Mystery Chord Band.

In a brief message, Ms. Esther A.N. Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer of Stratcomm Africa, encouraged guests to ‘Praise God in all situations and see God perform wonders on their behalf’. She added that, “Through Praise Jam Stratcomm Africa staff employ their God given talents to communicate Jesus Christ and the salvation He brings to the world

She thanked the sponsors for their support and encouraged them to keep investing in Kingdom business.

This year’s event was sponsored by Star Assurance, Jospong Group of Companies, Dan T investments, Cadling Fashions, Casilda, Beige Capital, Coca Cola, John Moore International, DDP Outdoor, Cadling Fashions, Page Hotel and supported by many media organizations including, Metro TV Rainbow Radio, Live FM, Uniiq FM, Sweet Melodies, Sunny FM, Starr FM, Radio Gold, Radio Univers, Daily Graphic, Ghanaian Times, Enquirer, Ghanaian Observer, The Punch, Modern Ghana, Pulse, and Africa Online

About Stratcomm Africa
Strategic Communications Africa Ltd. (Stratcomm Africa) is an international total communication, reputation management and research agency dedicated to using communications as a means of enhancing performance in various contexts. Stratcomm Africa specializes in evolving and implementing systematic and comprehensive communication strategies for individuals, organizations, public and private, both national and international settings.

About Praise Jam
Praise Jam is an annual praise and thanksgiving event organized by Stratcomm Africa. The event seeks to create a platform to celebrate and thank the Lord for His goodness throughout the year.

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