Sports › Football News     ›   26 Sep 2019

GFA Elections: Money Will Be Crucial During Elections - Amanda Clinton

Amanda Akuoko Clinton, a presidential aspirant of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), is convinced there will be an amount of racketeering during the FA election amidst money influencing the electoral process.

Delegates will elect a new Ghana FA president on October 25 following the resignation of Kwesi Nyantakyi in June 2018.

Kurt Okraku, George Afriyie, Fred Pappoe, Osei Kweku Palmer, Nana Yaw Amoponsah have all filed their nomination for the Ghana FA presidency.

“I believe people with money will have an advantage in these elections because money will definitely play a role," she told Happy FM.

The renowned lawyer, however, warned aspirants not to underestimate the power of the delegates.

“We should not downplay the intelligent of delegates because they know what they want; there will be surprises.”

Commenting on what moves her, Amanda said, “I am moving in with faith; I feel like I am David and the rest of the aspirants are Goliath.”

Ms Clinton, who is the only female aspirant in the GFA presidential race, on Friday, September 20, submitted her forms as she bids to become Ghana’s first female football president.

The 2019 GFA Presidential elections will be held on October 25.

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