Sports › Football News     ›   10 Sep 2018

Dede Ayew Has Never Championed For Black Stars Captaincy - Solar Ayew Insists

Former Ghana international, Solar Ayew says Andre Ayew has never requested for the Black Stars captaincy.

The issue of the senior national team's armband has been an issue since Asamoah Gyan was appointed as the substantive captain of the team.

Several reports have emerged that Andre Ayew who led Ghana's U-20 side to win the FIFA U-20 World Cup has been championing for the captain armband.

However, Solar says the Swansea City loanee has never crusaded for Black Stars captaincy.

"Andre Ayew has never crusaded for Black Stars captaincy," he told Asempa.

"I have had series of discussion with Dede Ayew and he has never said he wants the Black Stars armband.

"I believe it will come to him at the right time," he added.

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