Sports › Football News     ›   17 Nov 2008

Aggrey Memorial School emerge Zone One soccer champions

Aggrey Memorial Zion Senior High School emerged the Zone One Soccer Champions when they beat Adisadel Senior High School 5-3 on penalties in the finals of the Central Region Zone One Inter Schools and Colleges Soccer competition held at the Robert Mensah stadium, Cape Coast on Saturday.

Adisadel School displayed abundant skill coupled with stamina to hold Aggrey School to 1-1 draw at full time but performed poorly in the penalty shoot out.

Cape Coast Technical Institute beat Edinaman School 2-0 for the third place.

In the Hockey competition, Edinaman School beat Aburaman 3-2 to become champions with Mfantsiman whacking Cape Coast Christ the King Academy 3-0 in the girls division.

Cape Coast Technical Institute beat Aggrey School 2-1 in the Table Tennis competition in the boys division while Mfantsiman lost 3-0 to Edinaman School in the girls division.

Eguafo Senior High School beat Adisadel School by two straight games in the volleyball competition while in the girls division Mfantsiman also beat Edinaman 2-1 to become the champions.

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