Sports › Boxing     ›   22 Apr 2021

Black Bombers show stuff ahead of Tokyo 2020 Games

The Ghana National Boxing Team, Black Bombers who have qualified to represent Ghana at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games were at the Bukom Boxing Arena last Saturday to show their stuff to some lucky boxing fans.

The team led by Coach Ofori Asare with the support of his assistants Lartekwei Lartey and Vincent Akai – Nettey directed the three top amateur boxing to display what they have learnt during their non-residential camping.

Experienced captain Sulemanu Tetteh, Youthful cum confident Samuel Takyi aka ‘Ring Warrior’ and the ‘Beast’ Shakur Samed thrilled the few lucky boxing fans with rich quality boxing; in defending and attacking combined with straight punching uppercuts, hooks and ducking.

Their show kept the boxing fans clapping and enjoying themselves throughout.

The qualified trio said they are going to Tokyo, Japan to make history and bring glory to mother Ghana.

They acknowledged that it has been a very long time since Ghana won an Olympic Medal, and they are going all out to reach the medal zone and win the ultimate.

The Bombers would soon move to residential camping and fly to Inawashiro for final camping and preparation ahead of the Games.

The Olympic Games would be held from July 28 to August 8, 2021, in Japan.

Female boxers, Sarah Apau and Faruiza Osman also displayed to the admiration of the fans who came to watch the Winbase promotion dubbed ‘James Town Fight Night – Road To Glory’.

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