Sports › League Report     ›   28 May 2020

Clubs Will Collapse If GPL Resumes Behind Closed Doors – Berekum Chelsea Director

Communications Director for Berekum Chelsea, Isaac Amponsah has indicated that most of the clubs in the country will collapse if the football season resumes behind closed doors.

This is coming on the back of suggestions from a section of the football community urging the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to emulate the German Bundesliga and consider completing the season behind closed doors.

According to Isaac Amponsah, the idea is not feasible in the country because clubs do not have the financial muscle.

“Am saying this on authority, if we try to play behind closed doors in Ghana here, most of our clubs will totally collapse”, the Berekum Chelsea Communications Director told Nkunim FM.

He further quizzed, “Have they [the GFA] consider the financial power of the clubs? Are the GFA ready to support the clubs financially?.

The Ghana Premier League and all other leagues have been on suspension since March as a result of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis.

With the increasing number of confirmed cases, it is unlikely the campaign will continue anytime soon.

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