News › Regional News     ›   15 Jan 2006

Chief appeals for SSS

Nsawkaw (B/A) Jan. 15, GNA - Nana Kutu Ayin Baafour 11, Omanhene of Nsawkaw traditional area in Brong-Ahafo has appealed for the opening of a Senior Secondary School at Nsawkaw, capital of the newly-created Tain district in Brong Ahafo.

Briefing Ghana News Agency about on-going development programmes in the town, Nana Ayim-Baffour expressed concern that there was only one SSS at Badu, also in the district.

"Students from far away places who cannot afford the boarding fees are thereby denied further education after completing the Junior Secondary School.

"It is just unfortunate that parents at places like Banda-Ahenkro and Seikwa find it very difficult to enrol their children in SSS, as most of them cannot pay the boarding fees", he said. Nana Ayim-Baffour appealed to the government to consider the plight of the youth in the new district and provide an SSS to enhance the development of the area, as education is the bedrock of every development.

He said the people had by their own efforts constructed a police station at an estimated cost of 200 million cedis, adding that the community had also planned to construct residential accommodation for police personnel. Nana Ayim-Baffour commended the government for creating the district and also for rehabilitating the road from Wenchi through Nsawkaw to Sampa.

He called on the people to promote love, unity and cooperation among themselves to ensure continued peace and understanding. The Omanhene advised the youth to guard against pre-marital and illicit sexual practices to avoid contracting HIV/AIDS. He advised especially the farmers against setting bushfires and warned group hunters to desist from the practice.

"There are enough farmlands in the area for any type of agricultural or business venture", he said and invited interested private businessmen and women as well as non-governmental organizations to take advantage.

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