Opinion › Feature Article     ›   15 Jan 2019

If Akufo-Addo Met The So-Called NAM1 One-On-One, So What, Folks?

The public optics may not be all that enticing after what we have learned about Menzgold to date, but it certainly is not illegal or unethical for a president in a free-enterprise economy to have a face-to-face meeting with convict-free business-minded leader.

As we speak, one of the trending news (if it is news at all) is that President Akufo-Addo had had “one-on-one meeting” with Nana Appiah Mensah, the beleaguered founder-head of the under-siege Menzgold investment company. From all indications, the said “presidential meeting” if indeed it happened, might have taken place when Nana Appiah Mensah or NAM1—as he is popularly known—was reveling in fame and adoration by millions of people in Ghana and across the border because until NAM1’s woes became public knowledge, many Ghanaians considered him to be an entrepreneurial whiz-kid or genius.

As usual, some segment of Ghanaians led by the Mahama-hijacked NDC are subtly promoting a story across the country so hypocritical and cynical in its urban familiarity; suffice to say, it makes one nervy regarding the thought processes of the people deemed to be part of the ruling class of this nation. The narrative seems to suggest Nana Akufo-Addo somehow might have known all along about NAM1’s alleged nefarious operations and yet ignored them while “meeting him one-on-one.” Not only is it grossly unfair and below-the-belt critique, but also why should any reasonable-thinking Ghanaian loses sleep over trivial anecdote that President Akufo-Addo has ever had a face-to-face meeting with NAM1 who hitherto was regarded almost by all as a successful Ghanaian investor or businessman?

Can’t Nana Akufo-Addo as bona fide citizen of Ghana has a constitutional right to talk, meet, or interact with any citizen or businesspeople in the country, including giving others the benefit of the doubt unless those people he meets are known convicts or have been legally convicted of crimes? Let us say Nana Addo met NAM1 prior to the exposure of the Menzgold’s alleged double-dealings, does that make it a crime or make the president an accomplice or enabler of NAM1’s suspected swindling activities over the years?

It is well documented that NAM1’s banking or gold dealing operations predate Nana Addo’s presidency. In fact, as far back as 2014 or maybe beyond under ex-president Mahama’s era, NAM1 began his Menzbanc or Menzgold financial business. If NAM1’s business practices were not in compliance with the nation’s financial rules and regulations, the then Mahama-led NDC government through its Bank of Ghana top-ranking appointees could have mustered enough courage and seriousness aimed to stop Menzgold in its tracks before further damage was done to its clients.

But what happened? The Bank of Ghana under then incompetent Mahama administration penned one or two letters warning NAM1 that his company was in breach of the country’s banking statutes. Better yet, these purported early-warning notices do not necessarily prove NAM1’s personal culpability or crime until the depressing testimonies from the gold dealership firm’s numerous customers started surfacing. From what we have known now, this is the time one would be right to start raising serious ethical concerns if the president were to have any form of contact with NAM1 and not in any other previous alleged encounters.

If I’m not mistaken, the current Director of Communications at the Jubilee House has come out vehemently denying any “one-on-one meeting” between President Akufo-Addo and Ghana’s former “golden boy of world-class gold investor.” It is understandable for the government to deny an accusation(s) that has no factual basis or without merits. Notwithstanding, if I were to provide an unsolicited advice to the president’s communication team regarding the supposed meeting, it will simply be that: Let’s remember Ghana is democratic and free-enterprise society. This means all its citizens, including Nana Akufo-Addo, have every right to interact “one-on-one” with their compatriots or talk freely about the nation’s business prospects and how to find the best way to set up legitimate and conducive business environments for the country as a whole.

Keep in mind NAM1 was not a convicted felon when he met the president at the Jubilee House in whatever setting, just like the Menzgold CEO previously met with the Chief Imam in Accra. But, then again, what is wrong or illegal if the president has innocently or sincerely expressed on his twitter feed an admiration for an indigenous business entrepreneur whom almost everyone in the country at some point in time regarded as one of the “leading lights” of Ghana’s growing business model?

Interestingly, though, an average Ghanaian has sociopolitical attitude almost like the ancient “Roman mobs.” Today they are quick to sing the sweet praises of “hosanna, hosanna” for their new government or leader, and tomorrow it is “crucify, crucify him.” So, whenever you hear Mahama-controlled NDC screaming at Nana Akufo-Addo at his every move, including the president’s so-called “one-on-one meeting” with NAM1, it is because JDM’s lackeys know how easy to manipulate many Ghanaians and some media outlets alike to help echo the “requiem mass of crucify him, crucify him!”

Bernard Asubonteng is US-based sociopolitical commentator.

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