Opinion › Feature Article     ›   08 Sep 2018

The Deceptive Syphilis Study In America

The trials and tribulations of African-Americans after slavery

From 1932 to 1972, the USA Public Health Service carried out a study entitled "Study of Untreated syphilis in the male negro in Macon County," involving 400 dark-skinned men (Africa-Americans) suffering from syphilis, who were deceived into believing that they were receiving effective treatment.

The disease and death of these men were carefully studied. 15 years later the knowledge from this study was used. From 1986 to 1989, the number of blacks in the USA suffering from syphilis increased by 132%, while the number of White Americans dropped by 69%.

The infections of the African-Americans cannot have occurred as a result of sexual intercourse since at the same time there was a 23% drop in the rate of gonorrhea which was sexually transmitted. This reduction in numbers cannot be attributed to a new medication.

It, therefore, proves a reduction in the sexual spread of agents which can be sexually transmitted. The increased rate of syphilis infections of African-Americans was triggered by other methods. The syphilis agents which were spread affect the brain at an earlier stage and particularly resistant to penicillin, compared with the hitherto existing syphilis agent.

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