News › Education     ›   02 Jul 2018

Students Tasked To Be Time Conscious

Professor John Gyapong, Vice Chancellor, University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS), has advised students of the University to be time conscious as aspiring health professionals.

He said time was of great essence in the profession because practitioners were working with lives and urged the students to develop that consciousness.

Professor Gyapong who was speaking at the second matriculation ceremony for 450 sandwich students for the 2017/2018 academic year lamented how some students went by "Ghana man time", and attended school functions late.

He admonished the fresh students to abide by the rules and regulations governing the University and make good use of the facilities.

Professor Gyapong advised the students to strive to achieve excellence by developing critical thinking skills and focus on their academic work.

Ms Benedicta Akpene Hehemeku, a Student, who spoke on behalf of the fresh students pleaded with the University to improve transportation to the main campus, which she said was becoming increasingly difficult to access.

She also called for a better water supply system to the University and stated the readiness of the students to abide by the rules of the institution.

UHAS currently runs 17 undergraduate programmes in various fields of Health and Allied Sciences.

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