Opinion › Feature Article     ›   11 Jun 2018

Kim Jong-Un Will Listen To The Voice Of Rodman Than Any American Leader

Kim Jong-Un and Dennis Rodman enjoying a basketball game in Pyongyang

It is obvious that Kim Jong-Un’s best friend is Dennis Rodman. Rodman, the former NBA player has visited North Korea through the invitation of the country’s leader a number of times.

One may wonder why Kim Jong-Un has a special bond or unification with the former African-American basketball star than any American. That doesn’t mean that Kim Jong-Un is a racist probably.

We are in a world that many hate black people just because of the colour of the skin, even though, some hate to admit this fact. And it seems the same hate Kim Jong-Un has for America.

Many world leaders don't like America for many reasons, Kim Jong-Un is one of them. It takes courage to tell the American government of its crime behind doors.

That is the reason African leaders couldn't confront the American government after triggering both Aids and Ebola in Africa, even though they are aware that America is responsible but Kim Jong-Un did.

It's clear that Kim Jong-Un respects Dennis Rodman more than any American leader. He demonstrates that by his continuous testing of ballistic missiles despite the American government's warnings.

One of the Americans he detained in his country was Otto Warmbier, who unfortunately died three days after his release. This sparked outrage in America, deepening the America and Korea crisis.

Recently in an interview on “Good Morning America,” aired Friday on ABC’s, the NBA Hall of Fame’s Dennis Rodman discussed his recent visit to North Korea with the host Michael Strahan.

Rodman told Strahan that he has seen another side of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un and then urged President Donald Trump to make peace with him.

“If Donald Trump had a chance, he would get on the damn plane and go over and shake his hand and try to make peace,” Rodman said.

Rodman, a friend, and supporter of Trump said he believes the president “would give his right arm” to fix the relationship between America and North Korea.

“I’m asking him right now,” he added. “Donald, come talk to me. Let’s try to work this out.”

In this era that many African-Americans have had a good education and holding high positions like their white counterparts, many still underestimate them.

Otto Warmbier is dead but it is possible that Dennis Rodman played a significant role to enhance his release. Therefore, it doesn't make sense if a newspaper publishes that Rodman boasted he is responsible in part for the release of the American college student.

This is a typical American class of journalism. They always want to find a way to throw dust on African-American celebrities because of jealousy and hate.

We quote “Donald, come talk to me. Let’s try to work this out.” If Trump wants peace between North Korea and America and has ears then he should listen to what Rodman is saying.

The American government wouldn't like to hear this but it's true. It's a waste of time if America depends on China or South Korea to solve this crisis.

The only person capable of solving this issue from escalating to any conflict or the threat of war is Dennis Rodman because he is the only American Kim Jong-Un respects.

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