News › Social News     ›   10 Feb 2018

Don't Settle Disputes With Violence--Youth Urged

Mr Joe Appeah , the Chief Executive Officer(CEO) of the PENTAX Management Consultant Firm has admonished the youth against using violence to settle communal disputes as that could lead to destruction of property and life.

He said it was better for the youth to adhere strictly to the instructions of elders, chiefs, the clergy and other opinion leaders to resolve matters affecting their wellbeing and development..

Addressing the Chiefs and the people Gomoa Benso, to climax their Annual Akwambo Festival, Mr Appeah hinted that it would be an honour for the youth to respect their elders in the society rather than ridiculing them.

The CEO of PENTAX said no matter their educational background there was the need for them to accord, dignity and respect to the aged and leaders in certain positions.

Mr Appeah donated 100 bags of cement to support the construction of the Gomoa Benso modern places of Convenience and 500 Ghana Cedis cash towards the facilitation of the project was sad that they resorted to violence and other foul means to unleash instance justice to people alleged to have committed crimes against them.

He advised the youth to desist from acts of vandalism saying that' Satan always finds work for an idle hands' and urged them to work hard to achieve educational laurels.

Nana Obeng Enyan II , Adontenhene of Gomoa Benso expressed unhappiness at the poor education standards of the girls in the Gomoa East District adding that it was sad to see children of school going age roaming on the streets of Gomoa Aboso, , Gomoa Ekroful, Gomoa Benso and Gomoa Akropong .

Nana Obeng Enyan who is also Asomakwahene of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area, said that education from basic to Senior High Schools was free and asked the parents in the Gomoa District to take care of their children,

She said education had been a major problem confronting Gomoa District and called on the school management committees, parent Teachers Associations and other stakeholders in the education to help find lasting solutions to the issue.

Nana Obeng Enyan who is also Manager of Mother Care Orphanage expressed concern about rampant teenage pregnancy cases among school girls and asked parents to provide basic items to the children to avoid falling into bad companies.


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