News › Social News     ›   07 Feb 2018

Ketu South: 'War' Declared On Child Trafficking

The Ketu South Municipal Assembly has declared 'war' on child trafficking and child neglect in the Municipality.

This follows the increasing spate of child related abuses along the Aflao border especially, Mr. Edem Elliot Agbenorwu, the Municipal Chief Executive told the Ghana News Agency.

He said this when he visited a couple of orphanages in the Municipality and feted the children to mark his birthday.

The MCE said the Assembly had started enforcing child protection laws to take children off the border and the streets with the help of chiefs, Assembly members and other stakeholders.

He said it was unfortunate that parents and guardians were still engaging children in fishing and other economic activities during school hours and said the practice must stop.

Mr Agbenorwu said such parents would be dealt with seriously and urged them to ensure the wellbeing of children and invest in their education.

He said a UNICEF sponsored 'Child and Family Welfare policy' document was currently being used to sensitize the populace on the issues ahead of 'strict' enforcement.

By Ebenezer Sowah, GNA

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