News › Social News     ›   03 Dec 2017

The 'Broken Teeth' Has Been Launched

Reverend Suma Kupa Jehu-Appiah has launched a book which would guide both the younger and future generations to aspire to be pastors and church leaders.

The book, which is titled 'Broken Teeth' is a 192-page compilation of 13 chapters and reviewe. by Mr Edmund Mingle, a Journalist with the New Times Corporation in Accra.

Rev Jehu-Appiah speaking at the launch said there were many bad pastors who titled themselves as prophets, Evangelists and bishops in Ghana's religious setting.

This he said that the said false pastors with those titles were tricking people through other individuals who know their life stories with threats of issues that they know about them.

Rev Jehu-Appiah said in order to stop those attitudes, there was the need for Journalists to adopt a continuous class of writing against such bad and fake pastors.

He said there must be value added to the society that we lived in and must be laws in the country that protect the health and safety of the citizens.

The Author said pastors had been transferring skills to each other as magicians and financially exploit their church members and the public through falsehood.

He called on Churches such as the Presbyterians, Methodist, Catholics and the Charismatics to come together and fight the smaller churches whose intention of their establishment were to exploit the public.

Nana Obokum Atta IX, Amankorahene of Gomoa Akyem Traditional Council and Chairman of the launch said, the book was a must read one for every individual irrespective of religious background and that reading the book would give an idea of what the false pastors could do.

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